Friday, December 31, 2021

Preset? Prefix?

Something about New Year's resolutions
should I leave them alone
tackle a new annual's preset idea
or dump it as I skim a stone
I will decide tonight at witching hour
somewhere in an earthly zone.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Covid encore

Just before Covid 
the world was at least moving
rich or poor or healthy or unhealthy
we all lived with ourselves
with or without fear
with or without war
with or without ad nauseam
- why - reader - fill the blanks
or take the imagination on a trip
a cruise a holiday or a trek somewhere

Just after Covid
the world is becoming fearful
two years into this number 19 -
alpha via delta to omicron variety
the rich got vaccinated the poor 
left to fend for themselves as always
deniers galore filed the media
and perpetuated lies and videos
you again -reader- think about that
just will there truly be mass immunity
or do we have to live like this
with jumping to another alphabet?

Wednesday, December 01, 2021

A sharpei

A wrinkle in my face
when I was fifteen
grew to a wall of
crevices and furrows 
when I am  older
There is some things
I can do like sleep
and moisturizers
 but genetically doomed
to  show the world
my shar pei visage!

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Crepuscule of a certain kind
up and away with my mind
flying high or very low
I will to reality alas bow
so that when the time comes
I will wave goodbye - chums
and die for my own hand
that choice must be man's
just hoping that I can do it
otherwise I totally screwed it. 

Saturday, November 06, 2021

In absentia

of light darkness rules
through the ages of hatred
and of course love
does love truly conquer everything?

Of day the night reigns
the queen sings her song
misquoted misunderstood
Sarastro has the power

of sun the moon waxes 
waning somehow the same
but I do no see it as equal
yet feeling it strongly

the lack of light in winter
and overwhelmingly summer sun
will eventually lead to
the dying fields of the orb


Friday, October 15, 2021

A conversation piece

A dinner party of 4 couples
how does the conversation go
here and there and nowhere 
an idea picked up another's
thoughts process deeply from
within whereas the next individ
well associated his childhood
with his wife's long legs
alas two hated their fathers
this passing of intellectual flow
swallowed a lot of reddish wine
masticating meat while chatting
about what we ought not to 
or was it ought to - due to the fog
of the brain and its white waves
surrendering completely into
nonsensical verbosity -
surprise - it held a truth and more
than one it would seem due to 
inhibitions vaguely vain but there
wanting nothing more than sharing
whatever it was on the minds
saved by being together at a table
stimulated  simian behavior
for once it seemed honestly fair
without the adults around forgetting
that we were the gray grownups
needing each other for conformation
chilled afterwards - what did I say?
ah well maybe nobody remembers
how dear me I let my hair down
but with only an follicle an no matter
I am strong enough to say this
in a frank manner to another
without worrying about much
for that reason the others understood
that whatever was said went down
without so much as a figment
acceptance is hard to accept
that is why it is a fabulous feeling
to sometimes have friends over
and let the parlance plays out
so to the pals who survived this
friendly bantering firmly
what can I say : thank you 

To Fred

Friday, September 24, 2021

Matinale parisienne

Désirant pour un moment
rêvant d'une autre vie
sachant le vigueur diminue
acceptant cette réalité
un matin dans un apart
parisien et pourtant! 

Ma jeune illusion

Ma jeunesse joue maintenant 
Comme d’hab des monuments 
Mouvementés intermédiaires 
surtout parisiens antédiluviens
Sauf quand je me promène 
Carrément au centre-ville 
Haussmanien je m’oublie 
Et sachant que mes rêves 
Sont déjà passés je me taquine 
Me disant ma folle tu es vieille 
Tu es une rêveuse promeneuse 
Ce mensonge ne me risque rien
Qu’un haussement des épaules 
Car seulement dans mon cerveau 
Il y a des endorphines sur un but
Un sauvetage de mon bien-être 
Et peut-être c’est mieux qu’années
De psycho analyse et des regrets 
Pour ne pas retrouver la jeune
Qui n’avait pas trop de credo
En soi ou dans son capacité 
A cause de son maladroit corps
Laisse moi encore une fois
Rester dans mon illusion 
Que je fus une femme forte
Et Paris m’avait donné des ailes !

Monday, September 20, 2021

Une histoire à la folie

 Une folle voisine 
Une folle copine
Voilà commence

Vivent chacune 
Dans une rue
Voici continue 
Ce fable

Des années passent
Sans des  fougasses 
Des émotions montent 
Le récit 

Des dîners et des cafés 
Des fois des panachés 
Sont partagés entre
Les discours 

Des au revoirs des allôs
Ce sont des noyaux 
Au fond de l’amitié 
De ce légende 

Une petit anniversaire 
Je fût bénéficiaire  
Un immense cadeau

Un déjeuner à L’herbe 
Une table superbe 
Avec des amis 
Un vrai conte

Ma chère Corinne
Tu es sérotonine 
Pour mon âme 
Une sûre saga

Wednesday, September 08, 2021

If science were dead

 If science were dead
the world would look
like before the Ancients
we would still be in
loincloths believing 
skygods and goddesses
wilderness and witches' brews
would cure .... not much.
I would not be alive
would have gone down
if science were dead

If science were dead
anyone can continue
her/his thoughts of how 
he and she would dream
the earth to be - a nightmare
or a paradise in which
wild animals were not
vicious but nice just
like the population
friendly or warlike
if science were dead

(Irony is in the eyes of the beholder
a twist on the twilight Zone - which the poetess 
have not seen nor read)

Friday, September 03, 2021

Waiting for ....

You wait all your life...
for growing up
for getting older 
for death

In between you fill out
your time with
mundane things like


be taught










repeat ad nauseam

hoping to enjoy
that path called life 
and if lucky
waiting for a tree
to grow

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Nîmes dud

There once was a dud from Nîmes
he said he had an Alpes -Maritimes
His embonpoint was big
She didn't want his dick
he was a total philistine

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Sacré alzheimer!

sacrebleu - 
tous les autres malédictions
vraiment la maladie d'Alzheimer
est une des pires car on ne peut
ni attraper - ni arrêter - ni faire

la personne qui l'aura descend
au l'enfer sans le vouloir 
si on pourrait la tarder 
avec n'importe quoi moyen

car de voir un âme glisser
lentement  - au galop
dans un état d'effrayant 
c'est inhumain - luciférian

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Une lune à moitié

La lune y reste drôle 
Dans le sens barcarolle 
Autour des amants de nuit
Hier et aujourd’hui 
Pour notre éternité 
Sans qu’elle a deviné 
De quoi elle pense
Des êtres peu ardents
Elle se montre joyeuse 
plutôt même voyeuse
pour qu'elle puisse entendre
les amants s'entreprendre
leurs amours vrais ou faux
des nocturnes et des sauts
et elle compte jusqu'au nuit 
serveuse de pleine d'enduit

Thursday, August 12, 2021

La vieille

Je suis une femme vieille
dans un profond sommeil
sans que je sache vraiment
comment passait le temps
tout un coup une découverte
il ne reste que moi à perte
hélas un moment encore
avant que je m'endors
mais c'est une phantasme
surtout un mal pléonasme!

Thursday, August 05, 2021

Jardin de Touraine

dans un jardin en Touraine
sous la pluie légère d'été
les plantes meridionales
vivent leur existence frileux
mais ils s'amusent autant
meme ils sont déménagés

alors j'ai appris pourquoi
car avec l'amour on peut
mouvoir des pierres 
ils s'éclairent et s'apprivoisent
l'homme qui l'a créé 
l'applaudit et s'emerveille!


Sunday, August 01, 2021

Réponse à Serge Gainsbourg "Requiem pour un Con"

L’amour pour attraper 
Un être sera le même 
Pour toi - mon vieux -
Sauf si l’individu est
Un homme déloyal.

L’affection pue d'un
Atroce manque en soi
et tu te sens abusé
tu y retournes encore
à cause de ton amour.

Mais l'amour fou
d'un cretin te laisse
des goûts d'amande amére
- le friandise devient
une mémoire d'un con. 

Thursday, July 22, 2021


an tea filled with ice
would be a nice
sure cooling device
instead of the melt
giving a black belt
to the sun's "pelt"


Saturday, July 17, 2021

Que sais-je?

 Un matin ailleurs 
avec mon chien 
Posent des illuminations 
Dans le profondeur 
De mes pensées 
Lui il est adaptable 
Mais moi?

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Decision on a Tuesday

Disturbing my sleep 
not worth the money
just went and quit
took a small hit
without a pot of honey
But I ain't no sheep!

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Un enclos ailleurs

Dans le jardin dès fleurs embaument
Des gens et les rendent d’un douceur 
Et leurs esprits prennent la sagesse
Des vielles pierres les enclosent 
Calmement et tout passe bien!

Monday, June 21, 2021

Pinot min læremester

En lille hund på en stor rejse 
træskende troskyldigt og lydigt
efter sine ejere - uden 
et eneste forknyt vuf
accept af sin skæbne
med humør og nyt gåpåmod

En lille hund på en stor rejse
proppet i en minimal taske
for at kunne passe i kabinen
under sædet i flyveren
ud gennem told og videre
vente på tog - kørende afsted

En lille hund på en stor rejse
ankomst til et gammelt hus
underlige lugte - alt ændret
biler forbi hoveddørens vindue
middelaldergaders snirkler
ikke det vanlige grønsvær 

En lille hund på en stor rejse
prøver kræfter med alt
bliver lokket i vandet
hevet op på store sten
ofte ind og ligge under
forskellige caféborde

En lille hund på en stor rejse
møder fremmede hunde
snuser og gør hvis de gør
et væsen af en særlig kaliber
en åbenhed som vi alle nok
kunne lære af - tak Pinot

Saturday, June 12, 2021


A conversation I will not have
with my firstborn - ere I know my death
you were born of love
your father could not beat his genes
can you?

(An aside
Even I have a love for alcohol
but I stop ever so often once or twice 
a year for a month and my need is nothing
I drink socially
In our culture and in yours it is the norm
 a rather heavily love for the numbing flood)

you have three children - they see stuff
even though your wife also imbibes
she can hold it - whereas you seem to not
get help son of mine -- now -- not later

I know you have other devils
within your body spirit mind
PTSD is not something to ignore
Of love comes life and sadness 
joy created by endorphins
you cannot not try and get help
please...son of mine... I have a picture
embossed in my mind's eye
you on the changing table 5 months old
scared of a drunk person who loved you
but could not be lived with
are you heading in that direction?

Then when your firstborn had arrived 
you were so enamored by him
two more children and then your defenses
became tired worn out - and you are still young
been through a hell of a lot - 
but we all have  and we try our best - most of the time
Urging you from this side of the grave
it is not too late -- yet...

Get help!

Your answer is in the wind  -warm - violent 
will I ever know?

Friday, May 28, 2021

Up or down

Gut feeling needed
Decisions to make
Weights of pros and cons 
A blink or so
The stomach refuses 
To answer 
So where to turn
Upwards or the opposite 
Even keel is uneven 
But there is always 
dices of marbles 
And then you know!

Friday, May 21, 2021

to sider

Mit vindue er mit ydre vue 
hvad er der idag udenfor?
Mange træer i fuld flor
Min egen patio halvskjult
af parasollens skygge
min nabos to stole 
der aldrig bliver brugt
en skorsten som ligner 
et gammeldags togs røgrør
lortebrune plankeværker
omkring vores små verdener
en lyseblå formiddagsolhimmel
der viser - det er varmt
Mit indre følger ikke med

Monday, May 17, 2021

Hiding of cicada limerick

There once was a cicada from Maryland
Its seventeenth year arrival - quite a span
It mated, sated, and died
Its shell on the ground piled
its larvae went down the ground like beforehand

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Lejlighedsdigt P

Der var en Poul fra Helsingør
han havde et tykt og langt rør
Han murede det endnu
for det kunne han sgu
70 tages med højt humør 

Monday, May 10, 2021

Smell the roses

Good news  - bad news from here and there
around the old whirling magnificent globe
willingly tittle-tattle or gossipy information
spread gazelle-like faster than ever
spurting and blurting without reflection
fare the stories of renown and fame

the believable and true well founded stuff
will give history a little chance except 
the antecedents were written by their victors
whereas an easy way to dig up the dirt
is as oil welly as can be - deep in the sand
lies the "clean" and  "perfumed" money 


Saturday, May 08, 2021

May month of maybes

Mayflies last for only a few hours or days
so their lives follow the maybush' span
of being decorated with nature's garlands
of May Eve's dusk of chills and shadows
A reminder of mayhap fairies and beliefs
of netherworldly realms seeking influence
where the minions of mayweeds get picked
not for their beauty but for their healing 
so that a humble flower may bring soothing
and the nymphs may dance in the wind. 

Monday, May 03, 2021

The rope

Hangman's rope around my neck
( the imaginative actually)
sadness and anger becomes part
of my body's co-existence
nothing can be done physically
but psychologically I hit a block
my framework's skeleton
and its fillers react without doubt
so the shape is altered invisibly
outwardly it looks acceptable
but on the inside the cord 
has already been perfectly jerked 


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Bred and more

 Galapagos Island turtles
Breed in Zurich wow
Biden’s number 100 day
Breeds more change
So turtles and presidents 
Are both being bred 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Bored cookies

 Uninspired by an April weather day
Even the scones refused to sparkle
And their taste seemed totally bland
But the recipe called for naught sugar 
it mixed itself with the blueberries 
Yawn they seemed to scream - alas

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


 Acronyms and shortened names
Never liked them
Know they are needed - practical 
On occasion- I come across one
not quitting at pension’s age
Works for some - what else is there
Or is enamored by the profession
Just keeps them eternally young
Here is my own conundrum 
But in the end I have to agree 
That every day is precious &
Shit could hit any time

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

After dinner thoughts

 Exciting times seeing friends 
For the first time after being shot
... against Covid-19 - agreeing
That the pandemic is not the worst
That could happen if you sailed
Through the Strait of Messina
With your friends and family
Your boat ride only to end surely
When you expired and drifted away
But this feeling of chatting freely
Without fear of dying from air particles 
Gave in to some weird thoughts
Of true freedom in body or mind
A spirit of je ne sais quoi initially 
Evolving into a joyful patter
Above all or nothing important 
Sense of true belonging though
We are all on the same journey 
But how we rock the boat is
In many ways a question of luck
Time era - genes and maybe
The nurture  which slipped 
Just a tad during this period 
Without a vaccine or hope thereof.

Joys of spring haiku

 Beauty is reborn 
Flowering mosquitoes now
Bite tenaciously 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sofa’s corner

A sofa stood on a lawn
Used  - a little forelorn
Its pillows were torn
Free and clean the sign read
Spring was out and about
It was glorious and stout
Anything but  a phaseout
second chance homestead ?

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Limp along the way

Sleeping limb felled me
I fell and broke a finger
again today the drowsiness
of  my foot alerted me
Imperative to keep score
of your body's twists and turns
give your blood vessels
the time to undo the snoring
Alas I am not young anymore 

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


Slægter du slægten på eller af?
Ved du nok om din egen familie?
Er der skjulte ting i klædeskabet
er man sikker på at der ikke er halv-
helsøskende et eller andet skjult sted?
Har en eller anden bror/søster/onkel
doneret spermacetter til en sædbank?
Ligner din fætter din onkel?
Eller ligner han måske din far?
Kan genforskningen virkeligt
få mysterierne til at stoppe eller
bliver de værre - fordoblet?
Kan svulmende barme være
et træk hos alle i kvindelinien?
Vikingetommelfingre hos drenge?
Sygdomme og genetiske tendenser
er naturen stærkere end viljen?
Hvorfra hvorfra hvorfra?

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Column hunting

To want a simple Greek column
For our yard or inside our house
Is a cat’s hunt for a wild mouse
Or a downhill trip doing slalom 

One would think it would be easy
With all the gadgets and things 
To buy an item  not fit for a king
But it seems difficult not breezy 

The locals stores both big and small
Have got nothing of a simple kind
Doric or Ionic sample on my mind
Not an acanthus  or a weird oddball

So I turn to the net the great beyond
Looking for my “granite” caryatid 
Too many weirdly shaped  monoliths
Could I find it mayhap at “Amazon”?

Alas, the biggest mall in the world 
Returns something semi- satisfactory 
Not really a desired item calefactory
But my search is the history purled!

Thursday, April 08, 2021

Orlanda furiosa's lost way

Angry - angry - vile disease
the randomness - a sleaze
of an astrophysicist I know
the going downhill grows
he no longer can do a thing
life stinks with a bitter zing

Too many battle this combat
couldn't we the brain reformat
so that everyone would win
over this brain demise' kin
Alzheimer's or dementia alas
the numbers grow I'm aghast

So Orlanda furiosa's great quest
help her friend's with a life vest
continue to learn - never stop
to read question walk  and up
the ante of exercise - eat soundly
just live more profoundly

The info is out there cool and clear
numbers talk  even this year
one in three seniors will die
from these two diseases - a pie
with cancers breast/dick combined
train your blasted frame of mind

Today I am truly sad and mad
at the friggin' illness to be had
maybe it is Gaia's true revenge
that she is building a stone henge
to show that humans are curiosa
You are nothing, Orlanda furiosa

Friday, April 02, 2021

Intimate refuge

On this day Aussie friend
You appeared in the sphere
my personal poet muse
Gone already more than ten
Intimacy and earnest - dear
My quiet go to refuge

Sunday, March 28, 2021


Every day
Every day
Every day
Need to hear more
Every night
Every night
Every night
Nightmare or bore
Every week
Every month 
Every year
A zinc washboard 

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Daft parade

Daffodils oh daft spring 
How can I ever not dwell 
Upon a youthful hope
Warm loving wonder
But ephemeral it remains 
Only a glimpse every year
A tug in the tummy
And it is sort of forgotten 
Until again my eyes feast
Upon the bright yellow crowns
The parade is moving again 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Noises Rus

 Over the house an airplane buzzes
Every three minutes in the fly path 
Some days 
it is only the cars distant humming
Broken by the ambulances or
The helicopter’s whirring on
The hospital’s helipad
Sometimes it is all annoying 
These not so distant noises
And at other times they blend in
Humans are adaptable 
Quardrupedes are not!

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Et stjerneglimt?

 Gemt bag facadespejlbilledet
Den person man ikke så
Viste sig ikke - kun hvis
Man gik i Tivolis glaskabinet
Glimtede der noget and i 
Sprækken af irisens blåøjethed
Og gennemskueligheden 
Forsvandt som et stjerneskud
På en kølig augustaften
Et vindpust fra et århundrede
Hele slægtens gensplejsning
Mærkedes af gespænstet
Kun for at skrige - jegets veråb
I ly af hurlumhejet var der
Ingen som hverken så eller hørte det.

Friday, March 05, 2021

Virtual vultures

The culture of ready-mades
Spits out endless demons
although in honesty we 
Are the devils and reality
Is a harsh taskmaster 
Finding faults in every detail 
However nature itself claims
Only a vulnerable bird
Fighting for its habitat 
Hence we are the virtual vultures 

Wednesday, March 03, 2021

The life worth it?

"Der  blöde Teufel" - long gone memories
of high school German and philosophy
was a fascination for the teacher and his pupil
He claimed to be one of the Electors
I was captivated by this philosophy
: to try everything human - a shy girl
with a handicap and a curiosity 
he - an old homosexual with a love unrequited

That was the beginning of the ending
an human comedy set in many acts
Did I fulfill my quest for knowledge?
Did the life asked of me what it could?
Did fate lead to challenges of wanting ?
What have I not tried? Is there something 
that must still be probed - me a « matriarch « 
Recently named by someone close!
Never once did that word even enter
My voracious vocals of wordsmithing

So every day even today is a lesson 
A rainy day where I am trying to learn
Puppy training for the oldie unwise
To acquire a dog during a pandemic 
Having forgotten everything about pups
This is a new experience exquisitely hard
And due to his wild nature of wolves
Albeit a  small but stubborn creature 
He will teach me more about patience 
Than ever before because I have forgotten 
And I should have remembered rawly !

Of lovers lost and found but not forgotten 
There are a beginning a middle and an end
A few need mentioning - my first lover
On April Fools day marked forever a fool
Still to this moment  a minute pining 
Sadly he never liked me - possibly of pity
For me a coup de foudre - not even good
A few mistakes - a holiday one here there
In foreign lands one Aussie handsome
A sweetheart - gentle - would I marry him
I just could not  but friends forever
Through out everything until his death
My heart still remembers his gentleness 

Of course I tried living with a man
Complicated - corrosive cohabitation 
But I got my son - a beautiful child 
An even more wonderful father 
In Aussie-immensely ironically so 
With my hubby - an easier ride - 
A friend - for life - calm existence 
Except when I muddle it -
Two strong children both musicians
One a determined demoiselle plus 2
The other - my showman of renown

Muddled you said ah yes there are
Dark corners in every soul and
Satisfaction is hard to come by
Physical attraction is gripping 
By the soft spot of my vulva
It grows pounding in my ears
And so like all female beasts
I embrace the member - wildly

My so-called career - not much
nothing really to show for it
but the love of books and reading
knowledge and wisdom found
in those oeuvres - has given me 
insights to the human soul -
with lots of surprises in between
mostly to my own reactions
trying not to be judgmental 
and be a humble curious

An epitaph over me - at my funeral
would be - she loved life - 
.... a memory ... she felt all human
erring often - trying the rectify
her mistakes - failed like anybody
yet - yes nothing human is unknown
even though the inhumane hatred of ...
alas I did make a pact with life/devil
and it smeared - it oiled -  it tempted
but if it had not swirled - boiled
it would not have been worth it
it is all a matter of perspective
and I have been damned lucky
after all.......

Friday, February 26, 2021

Fluid haiku

Fluid forms of flights
Fascinating for fliers
The flowers of spring 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Jump to a kick

Warm peanut  butter cookies 
On a dreary rainy wintry day
Stamp out the blah 

Simple creations abound
Whenever your mood is off
Do change to ‘rah

The endorphins in your brain
Can be jumpstarted with spark
Wise chutzpah 

Saturday, February 20, 2021


 Testosterone’s action 
Or rather sluggishness
Will create havoc
Within a male body
And among twelve 
Symptoms sex 
Hair tiredness 
There is also an ailment 
Called osteoporosis 
Modified it can be
By female estrogen 
So it is yin and yang 

Friday, February 19, 2021

Scary endings’ times

 In the oral surgeon’s  wait room
Awaiting my tooth’s final doom
Old age approaches candidly
I feel sadness vividly 
Only today I am truly a crone
I sadly left my tooth’s alone
Nevermore will it for me chew
No wisdom for me to brew
Except accept that this is the end
No ifs no buts my fairy tooth friend!

Sunday, February 07, 2021

Candi limerick

 There once was a man from Honduras
Whispering To his lady it’s scandalous 
You will not succumb 
Even  though it’s plumb
And it taste is like sweet candifloss

Saturday, February 06, 2021

Only here

 Only here within these pages
Can I breathe freely and think
Whatever comes to mind
While the words froth wildly
And the waves from the cells
Burst into tears or foam  madly
Laughing joined with ecstasy 

Only with words of preying
On my innards at nighttime 
Abhorring  the dullest suburban 
Life of an old unwise woman 
Outside and inside my soul
My body’s rebellious act
Ironically I am younger today

Speedily time will count hours
So my lightheartedness drowns
And I will due at the spreading
Of my ashes cooled by the sea
Albeit ere I go life will take 
Another turn - clapping dancing
Winds of the wild soul prevail

Only freedom of imagination 
On an unknown itinerant psyche
Stylistically as always searching 
For the absolute phraseology 
It is the amalgamation of quiet
Deep and daring sadly hemmed in
By obligations and alas acceptance

Friday, February 05, 2021

Therapy for a Voelva

“Old age”was haunting the haggard voelva
Not because she was particular poorly
But because for a long while her desire 
For lust and lewdness was waning
A deep loss of a physical phenomenon 
When she no longer felt  the skin
Of a lover or a partner in crime
Then how could she not agree
That she was of an age to die -
Dormant days of wintry weather 
Inside her willowy bones and flap
Were building a marish momentum 
Of winding circuits and dantesque dams
Only to be stopped steadfastly 
With the admonished  aplomb from 
Her own owlish sister Sophia 
With whom she debated always
And never questioned her witty wisdom:
Masterly masturbation techniques
Tended with lovingly care by herself
Vigga for you the Voelva not to die
A thousand times you must help
Yourself and your body yonder
Play out whatever sordid scenarios 
You will need for your release
Massage therapy is not nearly enough 
Enliven your inner urges to surge
On gossamer gothic clouds of yore
To strengthen your sad skeleton 
You will nudge nudge nudge
Your reddish rose and inflame her
Until your breath and breasts burst
Only then will the Voelva wake up
From her drowned doomed self
And once more feel present and part
Of her own oddly shaped existence 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

A mind of one's own

Disorganized completely
in my brain's cells
something slowly disappear
without the water's well
a horizon of clear
imminent waves
the hunger's need
just calmly here disarrays
to lovingly feed
the slow burning sweetly
of mindless words 
no deeds - absurd

(I just couldn't not put it together)

Friday, January 15, 2021

Dog desire

I'd  love a dog in my life
but my life is not dog rife
it is not even remotely so
but I still want another go
Think of the dog - yes sure
but a dog is such an allure
of friendship and of love
anything else pales above
will I succumb to my want  
or by.a pug always  haunt'd?


Thursday, January 14, 2021

-ismen det er også os

Kølige ismers tid 
er  højst bortgangne 
nu er det en funk
-lende dragende tid
og ismerne lever
forsat  - et dunk
flere på grund af
et ovenud væld: en
formel drage-søgende
fanatiker der hæger
som en augustinermunk
med sin inderste
celle i troen på
en forvorpen halunk.

(Titlen Midt i en isme tid af Peter P Rohde
kom pludseligt frem på nethinden) 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

En regardant des émeutes sur un écran

Dès qu’on accepte la violence 
Et on dise absolument rien
On reste partout participant
Du fait en coopération 

Dès qu’on fasse rien sur des crimes 
Contre quelqu’un n’importe 
On sait bien qu’on est coupable 
Des non-commission vives

Dès qu’on coopère avec le mal
Le spectateur sans le vouloir 
Est un malin ‘sans portefeuille ´
On est tous des anti-samaritains

Friday, January 08, 2021

Une semaine

 Lundi - rien
Mardi - quoi
Mercredi- hein
Jeudi - foutre-moi
Vendredi - le menage leger 
Samedi - encore rien
Dimanche - le spleen complète 

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Odd year out

To have no control is to give up
to let yourself go to see what's up
to glide along life without mirth
ach ja
to float around the puddle of mud
ah non
that is not my innate style anymore
sans doute
this is why I get upset all along
these reasons of relinquishing reign
those oddball proud prejudices
tell of lies and loathing of self
tinker the mellowing mind's ego
nah so
therefore life cannot be fulfilled
then sways away with dark fail 

Monday, January 04, 2021

Detox hymn

Pass the port - not
a way to go on detox
on a January dreary day
much to my own dismay
but I have got to stop
enough is enough