Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Crepuscule of a certain kind
up and away with my mind
flying high or very low
I will to reality alas bow
so that when the time comes
I will wave goodbye - chums
and die for my own hand
that choice must be man's
just hoping that I can do it
otherwise I totally screwed it. 

Saturday, November 06, 2021

In absentia

of light darkness rules
through the ages of hatred
and of course love
does love truly conquer everything?

Of day the night reigns
the queen sings her song
misquoted misunderstood
Sarastro has the power

of sun the moon waxes 
waning somehow the same
but I do no see it as equal
yet feeling it strongly

the lack of light in winter
and overwhelmingly summer sun
will eventually lead to
the dying fields of the orb
