Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Viking's burn

Come every May and June awaits
somewhere in another place
the weird longing for "home"
of a special kind - a dome
childhood and light nights
surprising me with its might
I feel a need to fly away
from a heart's desire
to a yearning stray
somewhere in my quagmire
there is a viking's yearn
that somehow is biological
I must fly a swallow's turn
to quell the thirst's focal.
A medieval's daughter fires
the midsummer's dances
and her flight sires
the dreams she entrenches.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Un petit point

Des mots croises
des gens dans la rue
des poubelles
un chien qui se vide
un homme qui se gratte
dans ses cheveux
une vieille femme regarde
de sa fenetre des gens
en passage
la vie coule ici
et ailleurs - et
pourtant c'est pour
aujourd'hui mon existence.

Une salade

L'amitie un mot excellent
L'amour une phrase superbe
et les deux incomparables
l'aenometrie - l'enfance
de l'art jusqu'au bout
de rires et au serieux
chaque tempeture d'humanite
des confreres humaines
en vous saluant
un jour on ne serait pas la
mais pour le moment - on y est.

(a Francine et Max)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Falling tendencies?

what took you so long
you foolish lady
don't I deserve better?
humbly - I promise
to air and to care
for your walls and roof
of yesteryear
after all we share the
same fate
we all disintegrate
it just takes longer
for medieval walls
not for older females
The only thing is know
is that this building
will still stand
when I fall!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A spirit's house

My spiritual home awaits
my return
the living house says
adieu ajourn.
One day I hope to mix
them both to one
alas I fear the nix
of fate's shun.
Shall I then forever haunt
the future avaunt
from whence my soul's came
I can no one blame
but myself to the nth degree;
pride in that I was me.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Help spring

Noise from lawn movers
projects a beautiful green
tears and snot
is what I've got
every spring it's a scream
almost hit throwers.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

A viking dada

Vikings and their Age
somehow escape my page
but I shall take revenge
and learn about the henge

from the Visigoth
via the Voelva
from Dyrendal to
the Gesta Danorum

The blod of the Norse
tells stories in Morse
dots and blots abound
events of history sound.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Out spot

Dissipated anger -
gone almost
frankly I nearly
do not give a damn.
Freedom to be
only me and none
of the usual
meticulously under
the microscope.
Lastly - I can
breathe freely
I can lovingly laugh
for my own foibles.