Friday, July 31, 2015

Jarle - for you a haiku

A sunshine human
spreading your rays of wisdom
with sincere winking.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

A la recherche d'un chat

Je suis invitee
chez une amie
qui aime des chats
alors il faut apporter
faire semblant
d'une stauette
par exemple.
Ou trouver?
Je n'en sais pas!
il faut trouver
des chocolats
d'autre fois
d'une langue de chat -
il me faut a la recherce
d'un chat

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Mon fils cadet

Tu es ne avec une etoile
dans ton cerveau
tu es un gars manifique
te debrouillant comme
ton grand-pere
avec un savoire-faire
et vraiment en somme
je te salue honorifique
en disant que tu est beau
un bon etre  se devoile.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hiver en ete - un matin

l'hiver dans une nuit d'ete
ici en Languedoc
me fait un frisson
avec une passion
surtout ad hoc
une reve a embrasser.
Une premiere pour moi
mais avec Gideon Kremer
sur Youtube trouve
je peux retablir cet emoi
au bord de la folle mer
un matin retrouve.

Piazolla's invierno porteno!

Des faits

Des soucis des gens
sont aggrandissants
quand on viellit.

Des maudits faits
sont vraiment stupefaits
quand on mature.

Des belles choses
entretemps je suppose
vont te jeunir.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Concert of the 80es

In the 80's in France
I was not there
so I thought a concert
would be to hear.
To the arena of Beziers
I went last night
and what I heard and saw
was quite a sight.

Alas I only knew one
or two of the songs
and I preferred the slow
long winding ones
people were singing
their hearts full of sun
and over all the music
the half moon hung.

My bio-off day

Today it started like this
in  the cupboard I did miss
the cup for my coffee
glass all over - a whiff.
Cleaned up that.

Next thing I tumbled
up the stairs and fell
had a long excoriation
gotta go where they sell
a bigger band-aid.

If I can avoid accidents
with my bio-rhythm off
I shall have had a great
and a fun day enough.
Optimist must be.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Once I had a tutor
in math - a long time ago
his brother was
a friend of the family.
We all knew each other.
Fast forward about
50 years.
My best friend divorced
and the tutor in the
same predicament.
The brother - now
my friend forever
and I
met in Copenhagen
and we talked.
Epiphany - two souls
might meet again.
The beginning:
they are friends of FB!!
Who knows what
can come of an insight?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

La cuisine francaise - proustienne!

On mange bien
ici en France
lorsque des bouquets
qui passent
comme des fleurs
ont la saveur de la terre
et poussent subtilement
ma bouche fut eclartee
d'une memoire de
mon enfance dans ce pays.
Tout un coup
j'etais au Cap d'Ail
avec ma mere
et je n'y eus jamais pas pense.
De Tours
a la mer Mediterranenne
et plus de soixante ans!
A la cuisine francaise


La schizophrenie

Hier soir j'ai reflechi
que tous les gens
ont un peu de
la schizophrenie
car moi je porte
deux existences
totalement separees

ici et ailleurs

Hier soir j'ai vu
les gens qui parlent
beaucoup et
les personnes
qui disent presque rien
entre des amis
totalement separes

ici et ailleurs

Hier soir j'ai pense
que l'homme consiste
de deux personalite
apart - celle de soi
et celle d'exterieur
en mentionnant que:
totalement separee

ici et ailleurs

Hier soir on a discute
sur la schizophrenie
car il y a des  traits
touchant des persannages
tout un coup - sans
que cela soit evidente
totalement reparees

ici et ailleurs

Hier soir j'ai reflechi
qu'un etre a de la chance
soit tout un coup
d'etre "normale"
soit d'un autre sens
devenir un "fou-folle"
totalement separe

ailleurs et ici!

Monday, July 20, 2015


I shall miss your smile
when I come to work
you were never in a foul mood
if something was amiss
you went quiet
you had an interesting life
it was rare that you shared
you were so private
but the way you fought
what was in your body
was amazing to behold
you honestly
took all our breaths away
by coming every day
to do your work and just be
your reticent soul.

Jingling along

Went to the festival of jazz
heard a lot of razzmatazz
had a jingle in my head
could not of it get rid.
Tried the old and tired trick
of hearing the haunting song
youtube and a certain click
brought memories along
so today it's still there
where ever I go : oh dear.
Eventually another ditty
must come along soon
otherwise what  a pity
if it last till next June!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Existentialisme du lundi

Lundi matin
sous le toit
il fait chaud.

une semaine nouvelle
des choses a decrouvrir
L'air est lourd

du futur proche
sera inutile

Le reve du jour
est encore
d'etre vivante.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Un vent!

Un vent marin
de mare nostrum
me refroidit un peu
un odeur romarin
le garrique - parfum
un "hot" monsieur
l'ete de reve
tant je creve
un amour pour moi
cela peut etre toi!

Just wondering

The kilos I need to loose
make my stomach growl
why - I wonder

The men I  need to love
make my womb yearn
why - I wonder

It is all a matter of living
looking - liking
I wonder - why

Thursday, July 16, 2015


En norsk jente som hed Ia
drager imorgen afsted
ud paa verdenshavene
og dog naer fjeld og strand
bliver hun soesat
og hendes sjaels inderste
ved hvorhen - ?

Ias styrke var saadan
at hun var meget privat
og utrolig betaenksom
men kendte vi hende
til fulde?

Ia var en norsk kvinde
som levede for sig og sine
En livsledsager for Torsten
et indholsrigt liv
med en  blidhed og et flis
af en flint
Et rigtigt menenske.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Je retourne de mon pays natal
au mon pays de choix
je trouve que c'est fatale
le village et son beffroi
a quelque chose banale
un certain  je ne sais quoi
et comme Gerald de Nerval
et son homard d'emploi
j'applaude d'etre en cavale.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Mine erindringer fra en ferie
i mit hjemland
er som en fisk der svoemmer
forbi det sted hvor
den blev udklaekket
og saa gyder
venskabers baand,
fordi det har den altid gjort -
det samme sted -
maaske burde den hunfisk
tage et andet sted hen
en anden gang
for at skifte omgivelser.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Kultorvets poesi

Eksistens erindringer
paa Kultorvet -
Broedrene Streckers Bar
op paa under kvisten
ned i dybet
over paa bibioteket
op paa kvisten
ned i dybet
til fransk musette
og dansk opera
snart 40 aar siden
intet er glemt af
den sommer.

Siddende paa Kultorvet
en hoejsommer dag
med graa skyer
smiler jeg -
en glad erindring tages
frem af hjertets baggaard.

digtet der blev vaek

Skrev et digt idag
paa en lap papir
men det er blevet borte
trist er det
for det var et godt et.
Pointen er vaek
kuverten er forsvundet
et luftkastel er skabt.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Assistensens kirkegaard

"When the saints go marching in"
paa Assistensen Kirkegaard
en fredag eftermiddag
til jazzfestival
i juli maaned
gik jeg og en veninde
og fulgte "soergetoget".
I kisten placerede
jeg mentalt alle
som jeg allerede har set
gaa bort
- solen broed frem -
vinden blaeste.

Friday, July 10, 2015


There's a smile on my face
sings Nat King Cole
I will have to agree
at the moment I too
have a big smile
and my wrinkles everywhere
expand their lives for
one moment in time.

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Jazz i Koebenhavn 2015

Jazz i Koebenhavn - er forelsket som Sinne Egg
eller som Lady Gaga - der ser livet som rosenfingrede
smaa bobler af glaede for fornoejelse
og synes at det er dejligt at leve
hvis blot i en uge - som en doegnflue
der har faaet den gave foraeret at forlaenge
nydelsen med fornoejelige stunder i tonernes verden.

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Nattetime i Lubeck

Natten saenker sig over Lubeck
en smuk aftenhimmel som jeg gik glip af
fordi jeg sad i baren og drak cognak.

Ved siden af sad en god ven
der fortalte sin aegteskabshistorie
og snakken gled saa videre

som Hanseaternes skibe der sejlede
forbi kanalerne og lagde til
inden daggryet kraevede arbejde.

Sunday, July 05, 2015

verweile doch du bist so schoen

des fois on peut etre bien a l'aise
sans qu'une attitude niaise -
se melange entre la felicite
avec la sensualite et volupte.
bien sur on puisse avoir les trois
sauf cela donne beaucoup d'emoi
et entre l'allure de betise ou pas
il faut prendre chemin sympa
s'echapper l'embuscade
et rire de ma saccade.

Ah youth!

Today in Brussels I felt young
at heart and in my bones
though they may be aching - tomorrow
but it is so far away
and mayhap it will not come.

Today in Brussels I laughed hard
out aloud and inside
tomorrow it will be a memory
of the joys of friendship
and happy young ones

Today in Brussels I smiled
with true gladness in and out
there are people who can
make you feel up and about
and not drag you down.

Today in Brussels I applauded
in my heart and out
for the young men who love each other
enlarge our understanding
of nature's sure ways.

Today in Brussels I loved
through and true
that I was allowed to partake
for a moment their lives
This day is a true treasure.

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Man and moon

Waiting for the moon
which never came tonight
will haunt forever
the mind who searched
for it and found it not
Alas, alit from afar
yet couldn't get it
the ideas which flew
and then went away
show that everything
is ephemerally real
and for a moment
an evanescent solid.
So even so the moon
was lost and vanished
the man in it was not.

Double view

Polo shirts hanging from the mezzanine
splitting the view of the garden
entertaining the idea
that if I could have played
on the grand piano
I would have been quite happy
to live in this love cave
full of life.
Only I feel privileged
to take part of this notion
having seen one not unlike this
on the other side of the world
a saner one but not as content.
A mirror of sorts and not.

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Door view

From somewhere on a trip
sitting with the laptop
looking out the window
of the door
seeing only flowers
and greenery
there are many views.
This one is
down to earth
where the soil is
rich in nutrients
for one to enjoy
and work.