Sunday, December 31, 2023

The faint dream

Dreaming of living 
in another place
a childhood dream
is faintly getting closer
alas only age 
and death will hinder
my actions - but
I will try - honestly

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Personal space of min(e)(d)

oldie trying to be modern
keeping my life mine 
the lament of lack of light
but everyone looks over
what why where who

it is dangerous 
the world is more
awry and weird 

the control of minds
is more prevalent
with the sources

so that is why 
I humbly try to reduce
the cookies every time
not accepting anything
but the necessary

Friday, October 06, 2023

wild wish

 a change of  a beginning 
waving  - it's getting closer
It will come - 
whether death or mayhem
occurs - slowly - 
all of a sudden 
it will be sooner
than later
(all my words are simple) 
but the efficacy of time
is unbelievably fast
and even "furious"
like Orlando's rage
perhaps a childish wish
without anything
will eventually  turn 
into reality - stark 
brightly corporal
in all its splendor

Friday, August 04, 2023

The scents of grandkids

No 1 Christian Clive
A first grandson in family!

No.2 Rosendo Mateu
a redhead sired son

Crepuscule Ardent no 3
a Valkyrie worthy woman

No 4 Apres L'amour 
grandson grandly hello

Chanel no 5
a sure smell of woman

Lucky No 6 came along
modern male scent

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The ears have it ---not

Ear test old lady
yes you have got 
a hearing loss -
moderate to medium

Yes, you can get
hearing aids - fancy
3000 tp 5000 dollars
yeah absolutely not

So another possibility
with a company for all
made an appointment 
much better priced

The lady doc was fab
did everything she could
but the apparati were
too loud too screechy

one ear canal bent
has a strange config
alas not fit hearing aid
mayhap a trumpet?

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Into the air

A dead friend's memorial service folder
looks at me -daring to remember
a less complicated time
of friendship and a love of youth
of writing every day long hand
without any fear of saying the wrong note
except of course - no to marriage
We stayed in touch and I met him
again just before he died -
a treasure found on a Tuesday morning
a memory 
a bubble
into the air

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

spring haiku

Windy weary splots
on the window's tainted glass
deer eating a bud 

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Retired tired

A life of work
a work of life
seeking advice
advice in seeking

Ah the chiasmus
of life and work
writing about it
a retiree retires

work life is over
overly sad - not
just tired even ired
what I could've

But didn't - alas
the eyes over 
the dot are sprinkles
with attrition 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Education and learning

Education and learning
a chasm of viewpoint
one from up - down
one from down -up
can they ever match?

One is offering a view
one is taking that point
and changing it around
a generational shift
happens whether or not

Building blocks offered
Legos taken and clipped
the globe turns and churns
the humanity tries to cope
it is all economics


Saturday, March 04, 2023

Dr. E- Major

Music evidently was your  soul
every note was a person 
you touched
Fly phenomenally on Bragi's
wings helped by Apollo
and scaled to an E-major
your time was limited but
your influence eternal
in the sense that an individual
you reached - their genes
will sound with chords
of what you generously 
with humoresque sang 

Friday, March 03, 2023

Predicting disaster

root fingers grab the soil
fingers spread widely
mostly to one side

root rots after years
poking the asphalt
one day alas

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Burning coals

Must I still have yearnings
for sex and being held tightly
and live this sexless existence?

Boiling with anger and dismay
just for the lack of infinite grasp
of partner's soulless assumption

that his needs or lack there of
is somehow okay and therefore
I should accept and close off

my body's hot and simple desire
on a cold afternoon in winter
wishing it summer somewhere else

Thursday, February 23, 2023


Never will I rhyme again
due to chat - and but
It is too close to 
what we poets contrive to say
and yet - up against 
the machines we created
the mind must be stronger

- otherwise humanity will 
lose its face - in truth
we already lost 
but I still refuse to concede
bringing hope to the streets!

Friday, February 03, 2023

Mixed up

 A trip to a valley
somewhere I have been before
pleasant views - sunny dispositions

Alas I know not
where I wandered in a daze
disastrous mellifluous - darkness

Just due to dreams
never fulfilled - shot down 
I did not find my nightmare

Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Return to a setting

Return to "normalcy" 
lacking cranberry
on a trip 
Return to a nightmare
peeing every 30 minutes
on a journey
Return to idiocy
having forgotten
on a voyage
Return to reproach
not foreseeing
my passage