Friday, October 15, 2021

A conversation piece

A dinner party of 4 couples
how does the conversation go
here and there and nowhere 
an idea picked up another's
thoughts process deeply from
within whereas the next individ
well associated his childhood
with his wife's long legs
alas two hated their fathers
this passing of intellectual flow
swallowed a lot of reddish wine
masticating meat while chatting
about what we ought not to 
or was it ought to - due to the fog
of the brain and its white waves
surrendering completely into
nonsensical verbosity -
surprise - it held a truth and more
than one it would seem due to 
inhibitions vaguely vain but there
wanting nothing more than sharing
whatever it was on the minds
saved by being together at a table
stimulated  simian behavior
for once it seemed honestly fair
without the adults around forgetting
that we were the gray grownups
needing each other for conformation
chilled afterwards - what did I say?
ah well maybe nobody remembers
how dear me I let my hair down
but with only an follicle an no matter
I am strong enough to say this
in a frank manner to another
without worrying about much
for that reason the others understood
that whatever was said went down
without so much as a figment
acceptance is hard to accept
that is why it is a fabulous feeling
to sometimes have friends over
and let the parlance plays out
so to the pals who survived this
friendly bantering firmly
what can I say : thank you 

To Fred

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