Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Commentary on feeling blah...

Anguished angered
anticipating disaster
brain fog - lack of incentive
that's what politics do
to anyone impotent
without power 

Despondent distressed
desperate hopelessness
brain dead - no desire
that's what lackluster impetus
does to a person 
without authority

Tormented troubled
trusting tribulation
brain cloud - loss of a mind
that's what strain overload
does to an old woman
without hope 


Monday, July 20, 2020

To push or not to push

To push or not to push
to beat around a bush
who am I to nudge
when I don't budge
not an inch
in a pinch

To urge or not to urge
my wish to not merge
with everyone else
just strain the belts
no way not
on the dot


To need or not to need
a push/urge I not heed
strong as an ox
smart as a cox
but mayhab
all Ahab

Friday, July 10, 2020

Une mémé honnête

Un jour pas si loin d'ici
je reverrai mon petit eden
autant que je veuille fuir
de ce pays maintenant
il n'y a aucun possibilité
de me retrouver ici
pendant des ans prochains

Ma tristesse - et mon âme -
se trouve sans rien
qu'obligation familiale

Vous - les autres -
au moins la plupart -
je suppose - aimez
bien la convention

de plus en plus
le protocole n'attend
aucun espoir projetant
subir une vie sexuelle
manquante et nulle
avant de mourir -
je veux être libre de
décorum bourgeois
vivre dans mon monde
d'une sensation corporelle
même si l'âge de raison
est dépassé fatalement
dans les banlieues
avec les petits maisons
ou la vie se passe
derrière les portes
assez insidieusement
peut-être je ne suis
la seule qui désire
d'autre chose plus gaie
même si je suis
une vieille mémé.

Thursday, July 09, 2020

Massage message

Old worn body on the bench
alas no longer a young wrench
but a sedate gramma to boot
sometimes doesn't give a hoot
however in the massage room
I cannot shut the world's gloom
My thoughts twirl and whirl
from oldhood to a young girl
jumbled - mumbled oddball twists
while the masseur  is on my wrists
If I could for once fully relax
stop my thoughts in their tracks
I would get the massage's message
that would be its eloquent passage.

Tuesday, July 07, 2020


New visual theme for my blog
to pick or not to pick
that is indeed the ?mark!
What I use this for
is nothing but a drop
of twirling electrons
poking in my right/left
hemispheres of a decaying
brain of an angry
but seemingly calm
old broad brought up
to be a sedate "good" girl.
I spit on this image
rarely to be avoided
but my consoeurs
I encourage as much
as possible - too late
for my genes - --
No new views from me.

Monday, July 06, 2020

Humanity bravo

Bubonic plague returns
( it was probably only subdued)
Corona vira of certain kinds
Sars, Mers, Covid-19,
The Spanish Flue and the yearly dittos
What else ?  wars and murders galore
Humans fight within/outside themselves
It is still a miracle people want kids
And they are born into what calamities
Poverty - pollution - revolution - depravity
I looked at two of my grandchildren
Today- marveling at the human optimism
On a hot humid summer day where
Hidden airborne droplets could get you!

Thursday, July 02, 2020

Yggdrasil revisited

The Vølva weaved her willful thoughts
again around in her inner sanctuary
near her wonderful old Yggdrasil
the tree she could see herself dance
Around to a cosmic cancan rhythm
 - generation upon generation -
well to be brutally honest what
she could not see was her mother's face
but her father's stood out - odd
because when he died she - the Vølva
 - hated him - but her own authentic
- no not authentic - but baseline life
she realized that there is a double
for every act - a counter act
- within that opposition a debate opens
and she would have to ask herself
whether she understood the actions
of her progenitors or rather could
she or anyone judge another human
for what their genes entailed - enclosed
embraced and more or less entwined
let it be understood that only yourself
not anyone else could only be responsible
as an advancing adult within his or her
timeframe - timeline or space in time
for his or her own actions and behaviors
if you did not have any appeasing facts
working against your body or mind
With what right did she have - only
she had been a young naive chick -
- empathy not sympathy was what
she had found as she grew older
The Vølva Vigga decided to accept
Her abject feelings from that time
And forgive but not forget the deeds
Because if your mind rejected
These debilitating daft sentiments
Of yesteryear then she the waning Vølva
Would be a fake half human being
Accepting and acknowledging
Those youthful jousting thoughts
part for the millions and millions
Of wired wounds - but without those
she would not have been who she is
Today and all her DNA with chemicals
would not have lightened up
as her father's face reclaimed her
just as she was lurking lecherously
around yonder Yggdrasil wanting
waiting to swish and twist and just
do what she wanted without postulating
whether or not or why or wherefore
that she was guilty of something other
than a zest for life - embracing
her heritage of genetic matter mostly
and accepting herself as she truly is
a blazing being with definite desires
without  shame or blame laughing
along the little stream of unconscious
urbane urges twirling twisting
hers and her archaic tree's twigs in air
hoping that she would one day
again cuddle in her vulva and vagina
the desired handout or phallus
not under the trunk but the off shoots
of the tree of life in her little
hiding place somewhere in a wooded
edenescent vine-filled backdrop
Vigga just pushed herself violently
to never let go of Yggdrasil's drive
dreaming all that she Vigga the Vølva
died not in vain having dared live
her life during these weird whiles
wholeheartedly and as honest
as a Venetian quattrocento courtisan.