Thursday, December 31, 2015

Le cafe

La premiere tasse du cafe
le matin est indispensable
celle-ci doit etre buvable
et surtout de mon gout.
Si ce n'est pas glouglou -
il me faut recommencer.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Une brume

Une brume matinale
du jour dernier de l'annee
predira peut-etre
un an assez complique
a venir avec de la haine
et sans l'humanite.
Dans le  brouillard
et des nuages gris
se cachent la bonte
de la societe -

La poetesse est naive
mais il  faut
en croire - autrement
la vie ne vaut rien.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

I et andet univers

Her er kaerligheden
til livet stor -
smil og glaede
men ogsaa betaenksomhed;
her er livsloegn
til livet fattig
had og jantelov
kan ikke saa frit ske.

Inspireret af bogen Samtale
mellem Johannes Moellehave og
Benny Andersen

Monday, December 28, 2015


Ein Spaziergang im Jahr 2015
wie sieht man da?
In der Welt - in Nationen
in der Stadt - in dem Dorf?

Die Dichterin erscheunt
nur ein "wenig" Kaos:

Die Welt  wird heisser
In Nationen geht es ungefaehr
so - so zwischen Mennschen
Zusammenarbeit der COP 21
sei es die Wirklichkeit
vielleicht aber vielleciht nicht

In der Stadt viele Probleme mit
der Flucht und der Angst

Im Dorf geht es vielleicht besser
als anderswo - denn man kennt
die Nachbaren oder vielleicht nicht.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Une pensee lundi matin

Un jour gris
des muages lourds
je vois pas loin
j'entend les eboueurs
faire le menage
et le gros camion
roule tres pres
de ma maison,
Un lundi comme
les autres -
c'est seulement moi
qui le changera.

Organ thoughts

The organ in a church
is music orgasm
look at the pipes
where the air flows
in and out
the organist plays
using his hands and feet.
All the emotions
the tones and notes
the ejaculation of
a Bach's cantata or
Messian's Ascension
brings ecstasy.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Le coq sur sa vie

Dans notre village ici en Lanquedoc
il y a un tres tres vieux coq
il se bat pour se reveiller chaque matin
mais des qu'il ouvre ses yeux un peu malin
il ralle il dit a tout le monde
il faut que je les poules feconde
alors le travail est si dur pour moi
mais voila la nature et son loi
un jour quand je n'en peux plus
Il me ne reste plus de jus
et ma vie est fini et enfin foutu
je m'en vais comme homo-erectus.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Spider on Christmas morning

A gray Christmas morning
on top of the house
nobody was moving
not even a mouse,
but the spider in the corner
of the ceiling so high
was telling me stay
and attract an only Christmas fly
so that he in the corner
wouldn't go hungry
and if he did his poor tummy
would go very angry,
So I stayed to help him
find the Christmas fly
after that, not quite finished
gobbling more yule pie.
Finally he had eaten his share
of yule meat and dessert
and he climbed up in his corner
for a nap in his nightshirt.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The heater

The oil heater on top of the house
warms me only on one side
so I gotta keep moving on the other
otherwise only one warm hide!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Airport observations

Quiet moment at airport
Sitting at the gate
Carry-on next to chair row
Water bottle half drunk
Ubiquitous electronics
Are all placed with their owners
Like seeing dogs
But do we really see anymore?
Two ladies talk together
One reads magazine
I shall get off this
And return to the real
Not the far-flunk fake reality
And become an adult
Instead of a baby with a
P a c i f y e r.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Where to?

A feeling
A smile
An apprehension
An I can't barely wait attitude
Butterflies in my tummy
Yes. I shall try to reach you
My other life somewhere else
Another dreamlike. Session.

Monday, December 14, 2015


Blueberries frozen or otherwise
are  nature's life savers
My heart still beats for your taste
of oxidation- wavers
in between the taste in my mouth
and elsewhere - savors
of sensuous smells from
fields of nature's flavors
to the beat of tremolo cymbals
in my quaffs' quavers.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday morning musing!

symbols of the US
middle class
Charlotte Russe
Oh, please save
me from
another presidential
and let me be.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Donald Trumf

The Don is in
Mayhap he'll win
The prez' job
Alas he's not Job.
Will he cede yet
To GOP's Jeb?
Only time shall tell
The Us gone to hell.

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Proctor limerick

There once was a proctor from Maryland
She was sitting dreaming of candy man
She hit the fan when her proctee
Asked can I go out and pee
that was the end of the examining plan.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

A timely time revisited

On the other side of the world
my oldest has his birthday
I was there when he popped out
and yet today is yesterday to him
On the other side of this planet
my grand kids go to school and play
most of the time a day ahead
so what they experience it is not
my time  - their time.

Monday, December 07, 2015

to card or not

To write Xmas cards or holiday dittos
is the yearly returning question
if you don't then you are a cad
and if you do others get mad
because they stopped
and you did not it  drop.

Sunday, December 06, 2015

An email from afar

A distant memory in a fog
slowly getting closer
will I make it to the picture
burnt in my body's well?
A loneliness of cells
closed in by conventions
erupts knowingly
that neither can be
without the other
only being savored
in bits and bites.
On a Sunday morn the brume
changes my outlook
and the glow turns
slowly scintillating.

Thursday, December 03, 2015

Tutors and whores

I sit like a whore
Waiting for clients
But I am a tutor
Waiting for students.
Is there a difference
Between the two professions?
tutors cater to
students' minds
Hos satiate
Clients bodies.
Spirits blend
With corpses
The dichotomy.

Wednesday, December 02, 2015


A poster of Frida
hanging on my wall
reminds me of
the human in us all.
Her neck held up
with a stone pillar
she is pierced
nails - pain kills her
Her eyes drop tears
Resigned she looks
the desert behind her
an artist's sketch hook.