Friday, May 28, 2010

Smut haiku

Oh glorious snot
green, yellow feverish glut
invaded by smut

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Emily's garden
was just like Monet's
she poeted it
he painted it
my flowers are
my offspring
all of them musical
each with their own forte
tranquillo, grave, vivo,
with their grownup blend
of notes, hopes, desires.

(thanks to Mali, for reminding
me of what's important)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


A broken wrist,
oh pure shit
when one is older
not bolder
too careful now
to avoid somehow
purely to assure
not to injure
this limb again
and yourself maim
or your arm twist.
Here's my writ:
totally avoidable
on actuarial table
wires along the floor
I totally deplore
that none took action
and foresaw a fraction
so surely dangerous
instead of convalesce
mine unfortunately
anyone preemptively
for years could deem
a hazard of extreme
the threads perilous.
J'accuse: supercilious.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A flower

Kudos to medical front desk lady
who saw I needed very badly
by my doctor to be seen
so she smiled and fitted me in
grateful for her compassion
kindness, sometimes out of fashion
is applauded by this poetess
who unexpectedly met noblesse.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Oh to be at the Center court
so many times on TV fought
would be a dream come ball
strawberries, champagne and all
I would savour one thing only
feast my heart on fight of the lonely
victorious women and men
who flick the ball again and again
get a crick in my neck for sure
for all the times my eyes endure
the play of the silly the yellow round
up, down, aloft, swusshing on ground
the Wimbledon on the tele, not live
a wish to be granted - a forehand drive
alas, does not do it for me
one day - one year, never - maybe
with poetry and my dream of Albion
tennis to see is hubby's passion
to give him a ticket to the ride
would be a sure and foremost pride
to dress for that fancy occasion
would be my special celebration
and study the people in the stalls
instead of staring viciously at that ball
with Brooke and Granchester in mind
and his longing for home of a kind
now for that simple reason I yearn
to be there and money burn
for there is betting to be had
alas, don't do it said my Dad
only if you are prepared to lose
and laugh at your own silly bruise
a sum of a specific and little amount
you can then enjoy, not lose count -
of the many times the ball flies over
the distance would be from there to Dover
what a silly ending to my poem
it was fun to write it -here in Golem.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Theme to ponder

If an honest politician
when he is bought
stays with the same patron
then honesty is to be found
even among the legal lobbyists
this theme makes sense - !
All you have to do
is pay a premium price
to ensure that your enterprise
is heard -
someone else just pays
a tiny trifling more
and now the over-all objective
changed -
an moronic oxymoron

Not really a poem, just a tidbit!
An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought.
Simon Cameron
US financier & politician (1799 - 1889)
Found on Michael Moncur's Cynical quotes

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wisdom for the aging!

Writer I am not
yet poetess maybe
always word spinner wannabe
Realist I am
yet idealist maybe
forever humanism seeker
Just hope - hope - hope
and then again with reality
it is not that easy
I but know that with age
my outspokenness
has become vividly more
forceful - purposeful,
therefore with that trait
I am no longer the quiet
meek little bourgeois
but an old crone
with advice to give
yet knowing when not to give
and that is wisdom!

Pretty haiku

gorgeous day in May
walking with daughter and dog
a pretty picture

Friday, May 14, 2010

She just is

What humans think
she just is
we fight about money
power - lust
anything we can get
or not get
she just is
faiths - entertainment
good versus bad
whatever that signifies
she still just is!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


A friend sent me a link
on Youtube - amazing
fun stuff on the Brontes

Anne, Charlotte and Emily
all authors in their own right
surrrounded by ubermales
not being part of the society

outcasts - still to this day
females have to be doubly strong
due to our biology

yet, in today's paper
there are talks of a choice
of a supreme justice
being a woman - no kids
no husband - no lover?

maybe she will be confirmed
but then she doesn't have
what women normally struggle with
just like the Brontes!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday frustration

Another student - totally chaotic
second one - not prepared at all
As a tutor - an evolution
from feeling worried - something I did ?
parents helping too much
writing essays
to - these people are not getting it!
It takes sheer determination -
tenacity - wake up and
smell the real life!
It's not that easy
and especially not
on a May Monday morn!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Lady Lack

See yourself in the mirror
early in the morrow
horror horror show
alas wringing my hands
didn't murder anybody
but sleep -
deprived - deranged
stare at yourself and wonder
how anyone could love
somebody like me
blinders are good
always have them on
early in the morrow
when your spouse looks
herself in the mirror
and screams -
lady Macbeth equals me.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Proust questionnaire?

I saw a term and wondered,
looked it up on Wikipedia.

Does anybody even remember
card catalogs and retaining
information on this kind of question?

It would have been next to impossible
unless your colleagues or you
remembered having read about it.

So nothing stays the same
Proust took it at different times
then we can too.

Shockingly - simple and time waste
but that's what free time is for...

I shall remember to take it
on a day when I am a bad mood
today I was in a good one
and --- I am like Jackie Collins???!

What's in a name

Somebody wrote that
about my redhead
of a grandson
ginger ninja
what a perfect name
so I have two of them
a curly barracuda
a ginger ninja
what more could
a distant granny ask for??

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Sleepless again

it is getting tiring
of being so tired
lying sleepless in the night
thinking of weird stuff
going the extra mile
to try and doze off
before the new dawn
the only consolation is
tomorrow repeats twilight

Monday, May 03, 2010

The good witches and Redhead's Nine Stiches

My little redhead grandson
you are so far away
I wish I could cuddle you
especially today
since you have had
whole nine stitches
in your finger - that's bad
I wish that your witches
will help you grow
and take away the pain
but you will have to know
they try - careful - in vain
so that you tumble over
you cannot always adjust
to the weight of the cover
it makes you turn abrupt -
to the witch on your left
I cannot but fall
but the witch on the right
smiled and said hey ye all
is just too much adrift
eventually at full might
your cure will be swift!

Sunday, May 02, 2010

May 2

What happened on that day
in history?
I asked myself and googled it.
In herstory
my father was born
a search pinpointed him in the country
where I am from -
I found him hidden in automobiles
and air planes
him being one of the pioneers
of introducing private airplanes
in/ or around 1930
a go-getter - a salesman
par excellence
Today I wonder if he would
recognize the same traits
which drove him in my progeny?
I think he would be proud.