Friday, May 28, 2021

Up or down

Gut feeling needed
Decisions to make
Weights of pros and cons 
A blink or so
The stomach refuses 
To answer 
So where to turn
Upwards or the opposite 
Even keel is uneven 
But there is always 
dices of marbles 
And then you know!

Friday, May 21, 2021

to sider

Mit vindue er mit ydre vue 
hvad er der idag udenfor?
Mange træer i fuld flor
Min egen patio halvskjult
af parasollens skygge
min nabos to stole 
der aldrig bliver brugt
en skorsten som ligner 
et gammeldags togs røgrør
lortebrune plankeværker
omkring vores små verdener
en lyseblå formiddagsolhimmel
der viser - det er varmt
Mit indre følger ikke med

Monday, May 17, 2021

Hiding of cicada limerick

There once was a cicada from Maryland
Its seventeenth year arrival - quite a span
It mated, sated, and died
Its shell on the ground piled
its larvae went down the ground like beforehand

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Lejlighedsdigt P

Der var en Poul fra Helsingør
han havde et tykt og langt rør
Han murede det endnu
for det kunne han sgu
70 tages med højt humør 

Monday, May 10, 2021

Smell the roses

Good news  - bad news from here and there
around the old whirling magnificent globe
willingly tittle-tattle or gossipy information
spread gazelle-like faster than ever
spurting and blurting without reflection
fare the stories of renown and fame

the believable and true well founded stuff
will give history a little chance except 
the antecedents were written by their victors
whereas an easy way to dig up the dirt
is as oil welly as can be - deep in the sand
lies the "clean" and  "perfumed" money 


Saturday, May 08, 2021

May month of maybes

Mayflies last for only a few hours or days
so their lives follow the maybush' span
of being decorated with nature's garlands
of May Eve's dusk of chills and shadows
A reminder of mayhap fairies and beliefs
of netherworldly realms seeking influence
where the minions of mayweeds get picked
not for their beauty but for their healing 
so that a humble flower may bring soothing
and the nymphs may dance in the wind. 

Monday, May 03, 2021

The rope

Hangman's rope around my neck
( the imaginative actually)
sadness and anger becomes part
of my body's co-existence
nothing can be done physically
but psychologically I hit a block
my framework's skeleton
and its fillers react without doubt
so the shape is altered invisibly
outwardly it looks acceptable
but on the inside the cord 
has already been perfectly jerked