Monday, April 30, 2018

Words words words I am not sick of them

Words words words words words words words words
Can can can can can can can can can can can can
Not not not not not not not not not not not not not
Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill
But but but
They they they they they they they they they they they
Express express express what what what what
Think and feel and what we do not think and feel
But if we do not have the freedom to express our selves
Then then
Our world / words will be limited limite limit limi lim li l ..

So so so

At a ball
at a dinner
off to bed

so high that I need to booze
so low that I need to schmooze
so mediocre that I need to snooze


Sunday, April 29, 2018

Lost a book memory

Ever tried to read a book
and you know you have been in it before?
no clue of what it's about -
except you have a vague feeling
of deja vu  for the umpteen time encore
My memory is a snook!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

month of April haiku

Last days of April
Wild ride and a slower one
Tempo andante

Friday, April 27, 2018

Couldn’t taste it

From the corner waiting
For a table at an Italian diner
Nothing is a reminder
Of sweet Roman eves
Of Vespas whisking by
Of the trassevere area
Where I once stayed
Only wanting to savor
A gustatory memory
Comparing an old street
In an urban Roman spot
With the new suburbs
In a strip mall in the U. S.
Does not come across
Even though the food
Was actually quite tasty!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Because I said so

This is a poem
Because I say so
Will to see the reality
Is based on his
Empirical ideas
The colors in music
Remain an illusion
Only the metaphysics
Of this illusory game
Called human will
Is to be questioned.
Is this still a stanza?

Lopper i maven?

Har vi lopper i maven
eller er det fuglefjer -
Er stress og sygdom
for en gangs skyld
ikke en undskyldning?
Er det bare det
at se fremtiden an
i et roedmende lys?
Skal jeg give svar
paa noget som jeg
end ikke aner endnu?
Er det at et menneske
snart skal foedes
ikke nok for eftertiden?
Er hver eneste draabe
enkelte hop eller drop
ikke et mikrokosmos?

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Encore le trou

Comme dans une boite
enchainée et coite
rien m’attire ici
je suis crucifie
il faut me reveiller
et vraiment resserrer
mon esprit et mon cul
ne sont des pustules

Monday, April 23, 2018

Every day stress

Boiling underneath
quietly stressed
sleep deprived
what else is new
in a woman's state

Low key anger
seeking relief
still sleep short
what else is there
of a woman's fate

It is the everyday
that wears you down
it is the every way
that tears you up
on  a woman's plate 

Sunday, April 22, 2018

French Baguette

A longish lament
Or a lopsided loaf
Of soulful sadness
having devoured
The death poet’s
Daunting  declaration
Of freedom from
Tyrannical toads
Following Neruda’s
Painting bread
As pecuniary words
Knowing kneading
Is necessary to
Form a fancy
French baguette
But to bake it
Is a caustic case
Requiring respect
For winding words
Which one can
Eat with pleasure
Or swallow swiftly
It being Gallic
Goes without saying
Theatrical tales
Of breads and words

Saturday, April 21, 2018

redacted reality

Idealistic world views
Remain illusional
Realistic world regards
Allude to starkness
Dark world soothsaying
Hails tyrant idiocy
With no respect for
Humility and humanity.
Suppression of poets
Thinkers and the press
Undoes the earthly visions
when nothing but anger
Can allude to the coming
Revolutionary realm.

Friday, April 20, 2018

W- tale

my uncle took
my virginity

13 years old
I was sold

I would not
but I had to

I was tatooed
and sent

away to serve
old - young

my baby died
in my womb

I still served
young and old

in a brothel

To tolerate
what happened

is is a wonder
that I did drugs?

By the time
I was 27 -

I had served
more 10000 men

what else
Is there to say?

Thursday, April 19, 2018


Grasping new stuff
is a full cause
never give up
or take a pause
if you just stop
or take a breath
it 's a junk shop
a sudden death!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


A Florence or a Charles
Projecting your hopes
For a future of a child

Waves up and down
With the seasons’ change

By calling somebody
Napoleon or Eurydice
You can doom or promote

It depends on the throne
Or the walk from Hades

What follows who
Wherefore and pride
First of the last

A line dies out slowly
Another combi begins

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

virtual unvirtuality

My virtual vagina would very
Much melt and mull over
a melting manhood’s spire
Only the odds are against
such a sucking saber -
Since it is an imaginary
Of a lavishly lusty labia
And dreams does not do it!

Monday, April 16, 2018

Torsten Tordenskjold

En Tordenskjold blev født idag i Gentofte
For firsindstyve år siden  den 17 April
En måned før fejring af Nordlandets frihed
Han satte sejl til sit skib
Drog nordpå og søndenom
Igen nordenome i et par år
Og fandt med viv og sønner
Et liv til fulde arbejde og frivillighed
Endnu en fulriggers drejning
Mod de Frankiske elverkald
Her har herre Torsten så
PåTaget en fritids kappe og drysset
Malerklatter og rotarigets ansvar
På sin gavmilde ryg alt imens
Hans dejlige Ia forsvandt over havet
Og i flere bede i det franske land
Musikforeningen styres roligt
Og hvad de expatrioterne kræver
Truppen der danses folkelige kæder
Plus ikke at forglemme vinsmagning
Et gammelt hverv som turist guide
Og fester og almindelige middage
En Tordenskjolds soldat som nyder
Opgaver og næsten ikke siger nej
Fordi under frihedsbrevets svanesang
Er det en glæde at gøre ting for andre
Og egentlig ikke tænke meget på
Sit eget jeg og i fritidens oldnorske
Faste Principper  - de svinger med -
sådan er min Torsten Tordenskjold

Godot - in memoriam

on the bench
at the bench
in the bench
up the bench
seriously sad
sadly serious
under the bench
near the tree
godot -
or not godot-
go get to not got


never got the dot

for students to drop-in
will sometimes
drive tutors at center
to mischief

Sunday, April 15, 2018


A handshake vapidly shake
Another’s firm and fast -
Could it be timidity
Anxiety or just arthritis
While its opponent squirms
Lack of confidence reigns
Alas one should be careful
Judging the washy hello
Embracing empathy
And go light on turn-offs.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

La femme fatale??

Mon destin est conditionné
par les hommes plus agés
les pépés intelligents
des mâles flamboyants
des hommes de pouvoir
des héros de boudoir
sans que je puisse bien
les éviter - les Européens.

Mes phantasmes irréalisables
totalement incroyables
jamais j'ai eu des rêves
d'être vraiment la fille d'Ève
embrassant les plus jeunes
comme un vampire qui dejeune
sur le sang des petits andouilles.

Ma figure cache une gargouille
qui observe toute sa vie passée
en haussant les épaules blasées
en réalisant completement
on n'évite son sort sûrement.

un clin d’œil

Un jour de plus
Je me sens nue
Sans ton clic!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Fast weight gain - take it off n o w

A holiday of three weeks
did me in - 6 pounds
holy cow - did I eat or
did I drink that much?

I am alas no gym geek
do not stomp the ground
have to gulp water for
otherwise no damn luck.

in dropping the meats
to be again sound
and healithy expound
I am me  - a hen - cluck!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Dragons in Melbourne musings

Dragons and lions
scurrying on the roofs

rain and good fortune
powers of protection

far and few between
gargoyles or gryphons

old fashioned street art
before Hosier Lane

humanist desire
for ornamentation

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

waiting period

Waiting at door number two
For a ride to the house
Just been traveling
Half the world around
Traffic horrendously awful
So the chauffeur is late
Our travails are almost over
Parallel to the other ride
We waited for across
The continent and ocean
We got there and get here

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Flower haiku

Melbourne’s family
Remains forever in heart
Dried flowers bloom

en fod og dens ejer

Min fod er svulden
Det dunker -
Selvom den har været
Helt i vejret
Er det en fornemmelse
Noget skidt
Min fod er ikke min

Sunday, April 08, 2018

A sorta haiku

A fall morn on a spring day
Significantly otherwise
In an upside down world

Remembering outside the womb

The bubbles in my beaker
Bow to all my awesome memories
Outside my mum’s worldly womb
They float up and feel lighter
My aging body’s agency
Tells me that it is totally acceptable
To mull over my happenings
And rejoice that I can remember.

Friday, April 06, 2018

an epiphany

Each area on the globe
Has a slightly different
Sun timbre and glow

Due to where on Earth
You are - the solar light
Reflects the degree

The surroundings areas
The plants the birds
The buildings the shades

Casting the memories
The sensations you
Once encountered (t)here

Pensée nocturne

Le judgement professionnel
Sera tres difficile de le rendre
Concernant un individu
Que j’aime bien ou plus fort
Et mon compte rendu sera
Trop sévèrement impromptu
Sans que j’aie m’en rendu
Alors l’idee m’est venu
De vivre dans le moment
Seul et depuis aujourd’hui !

clever comments

A different kind of evening
Totally socially feministic
Only with a true engineer
Did not bother the women
Present tonight intimately
Within the kindred group
Sisterhood severely sought
Without qualms or quips
Just à joint jocular feeling
And the wine cementing
The well-being wishing
The point of no true return.

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Vikings in Victoria

Vikings’ exhibition
Would express
Clever curiosity  from
Three  Aussie kids
Why how where
They came from?

The boisterous boys
Both had the thumb
Of the wily Vikings
Some hereditary feat
Fabulously lacking
In prior generations.

The ships the hammer
Of the thunder Thor
Living in Asgaard
All the plentiful pantheon
Simultaneously simple
People passed to new faith

Plundering and pilfering
Along everywhere in Europe
But names and laws
Still have rightful roots
From this changing time
Where Vikings travelled

So three times Norse
Show up in sunny
Victoria as Vikings
Villagers stop at nothing
young and yearning
Rambunctiously right
To know the why and who.

all in a day’s walk

Legs up on the table
After a long day’s walking
Beg to relax stretch
Your toes - like stalking
Another life - not yours
But a shadow’s talking
About what you saw
Blurry in mind’s caulking.

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Night market

"Night market"
has connotations

Fleshy and fishy
flowing -floating

all kinds of people
all kinds of tastes

steamy and smelly
swelling and swooning

every Wednesday
during the summer

a foodie's dream
of buds' seduction

Melbournian secretive
wonderful meals

Monday, April 02, 2018


En dansk dame som sjaeldent
Oplever et gammeltdags koekken
Med  kartofler og flaeskesteg og sovs
Fik i gaar aftes til middag i Melbourne
en oplevelse kreeret af soennen
Svaeren var en hjertens smovs.

Sunday, April 01, 2018


Springy spring
older and wiser
jump with kids
living is
just now!

In Aussie fall
older not wiser
walk with grandkids
living is
still now!