Saturday, December 28, 2013

Un petit fait

Dans ma petite maison
en haut sur la deuxieme
il y a une grande chambre
sans chauffage intime
mais des qu'hier
mon mari ingenieur
a fait enflamme
la chaudiere a kerosene
et maintenant je sens
mon essence bruler sereine!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Le soleil

On dit souvent que le soleil
est la vie sur la terre
mais il y en a d'autres
comme la famille, les amis
qui ont la fonction
d'etre tant des etoiles

Mes astres sont plutot
ma famille et mes camarades
qui me donnent le desir
de me reveiller, de danser
de faire la cuisine
de vivre en paix ensoleillee.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Une place cachee

De ma fenetre en haut
je vois la vie en bas
des rues desertes
des rue pleines
une maison cambriolee
est la cave d'erotique
des jeunes gens,
esperant seulement
que la place n'aura pas
des petits enfants.

Friday, December 20, 2013

One day flue

A weird flue of one day
took away all my appetite
so now I have no hunger
only tea and a dry biscuit
will satisfy my stomach
I wished I could do that
when I need to - not when
I have to...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Un apres-midi avec Juillette

Autour de mon village
je trouve d'apanage
des autres hameaux
qui sont aussi beaux
mais encore une fois
car il est a moi
Cazouls les Beziers
Suis-je madame Recamier?
Je ne trouve pas ici
le duc Montmorency
et des autres notables!
mais ce n'est pas deplorable,
car pour moi mes amis
possedent surtout en catimini
des coeurs enchantants
comme Benjamin Constant
Pour finir ce bavardage
rire sans te mettre en ombrage.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Poeme d'un jour en decembre

Ma vue epantante de ma maison
est maintenant la raison
pour laquelle je reviendrai
les gens de la rue ici
sont comme des acteur du midi
ils sont la - je revenait
rien est passe
rien de nouveau
et pourtant
tout est change
tout froid tout chaud
en chantant.

Au deuxieme etage de la maison
je vois le beau horizon
et c'est pour cela je reviens
les nuages jouent aux balles
le spectacle est comme aux halles
d'autrefois - la comedie maintient
tout est change
tout froid tout chaud
en volant
rien est casse
mes reves preserves
en dansant.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Morning in Maryland

Morning in Maryland
a snowy bleak day
coldness abound
the furnace mumbles
the ego ressembles
a zombie in suburbia.

Morning in Maryland
elsewhere than here
it is sunny and bright
the children are noisy
parents run raggedly
trials in the city

Morning in Maryland
a brightly inner look
away from the stark
a long time ago -
on another continent
you my oldest were born.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

A guestbook

Once upon a time
about 65 years ago
my parents got
a guest book
Through 20 anni
it came out
for invitees
into our home
mostly dinners
and parties - .
Nobody wrote
anything but good
and those who
probably thought
otherwise - didn't.
The thing which
stands out is
clearly how many
foreigners we had.
The guestbook
covered my
formative years.
Often I was put
to bed before
or ate in the kitchen
but the openness
remained ingrained
and the hospitality
would be anybody's
wishful copying.
One thing is certain
my parents (aka my dad)
loved people and
fed off their vibes.
So when I read it
I see glimpses of
child and adulthood
mine the kid
and my forebears
the grown ups -
parties and more
entangled fates
not forgotten
because they are
still here and
in my mind, but when
I go - they shall
cease to exist....

Limerick for a special occasion

There once was a girl named Emma
she had a very big dilemma
her problems were harried
she was getting married
somewhere her hair was burnt sienna!

She hooked a boy named Jesse
he was swimming along like Nessie
introduced to his bride
he took her in stride
he said come I'll be your levee.

so for five years or more
noone - only they can keep score
they did it together
in all kinds of weather
may they never of each other bore.

Monday, November 18, 2013


The melodic haunting
french horns grips
my frail grim heart -
that yearning -
screaming of harmonious
longing - alas
it will forever be combined
with the composer's
philosophy as well as
my Melbournian loss.
A dichotomy forever
in my brain cells.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A little poem for my grandkids

I wish I were a balloon
so I could travel unhindered
then I would visit Rangoon
on my guitar fingered
nowhere would be taboo
Melbourne or Kalamazoo
I wish I were a flower
to bloom in a garden near you
or on the Eiffel Tower
on your windowsill of bamboo
of love and smiles and hugs
grandkids you are my buds.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Meddling miasma
miss the point
not knowing what
is the focus -
but guessing
wrongly at this time
and there is
one can do about it!

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Turn the clock?

Son of mine,
so far away
and yet you
now get it
you with
three kids
and wife -
your turn to
be an adult.
And for a
brief time
I wished
I could've
turned back
the clock - but
for your sake

Dust mites here I come

I am still in my pj's
on a Saturday morn
hubby is busy washing
and doing mundane stuff.
I did that yesterday
vacuuming, no wait I need
two more rooms - aiee
gonna do those today
don't feel like it,
but the bugs of dust
will multiply if not.
So the eyes in my house
watches me wondering
does she really mean it?

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Grand daughter and Heket

Heket - goddess of fertility
a female figure of ancient Egypt lands
showed herself in all beauty
in a museum - like a strand
of strings formed the thread
from antiquity to today
- my grand daughter will be
the next generation's Heket.

Monday, October 28, 2013

A short one!

Persecutions of all kinds
be it sex, religious or just because
will never be alright.
Control over a person's mind-
alas you can within some laws-
be damn'd of every possible might.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Alter ego

When you go to a dress-up party
sometimes your alter ego shows
or maybe not
but you gotta give it all
you've got.
Maybe you are a grouch gone farty
or a wizard who everything knows
but my French sailor's girl
maybe a slut
but she surely was
a sweet shot!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A sneeze

Woke with a big sneeze
the day started
what else will it bring?

A little joy a little sadness
but this day will be over
and nothing will remain the same.

So I am still going to
enjoy the sneeze that
woke me up - cause
otherwise I would be

Friday, October 18, 2013

Non - existante

presque une perte permanente
sans mon village languedocien
je me sens - non-existante
dans le pays american
ma petite maison ancienne
me manque tellement
sans les nuances musiciennes
le jour de demouement.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Philo form of haiku - serious

In suburbia
loneliness reigns very much
mostly older folks

What to do with them?
Each neighbor should invite one
starting today : Me.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Drizzling days haiku

Drizzling days in fall
leaves dropping dead from the trees
dreaming in gray hues.

With an excuse to "Lionel Hardcastle"
from "As Times Goes By"
saying a "Drizzly day in Holland Park."
And the authors of the series be hailed.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Pains to concur

My left side near the heart
is hurting
I have had the feeling
so I know it is nothing
but sadness and chagrin
Still it is extremely
others would run to their
I just know the body is
me to run out and become an
For hiding away from
my feelings
is unhealthy and not
therefore today I shall
and dog walking in
my hood.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

"We will always have Paris"

In Paris we met
a long time ago
43 years of friendship
in Quartier Latin I heard
you were no more
A short while back

In France I listened,
your voice - you
talking your mellow voice
of experience -
openly gay - later -
you were always you.

In Copenhagen where
you chose to live away
from a different childhood
in wartime Germany
adopted and adapted
to your environment.

In Denmark you felt
at home and created
a sphere of friendships
with special females
and surely a wonderous
male friend - the love.

In Paris you two went
on a trip - and he died
in your arms - the policeman
luckily understood
and did no harm
to your sorrow -.

In Hellerup you gave
dinners and lunches
to all your friends and
every time I came home
it was to you I turned
for counselling.

In Cazouls you came
to my little house
and we had a blast last summer
you brought me
the painting that you did

You explained on Strandvejen
that you felt different
and you were no more than six
when you knew - .
Torn between to countries
never letting quite go.

Travelling to Istanbul
went one of your last trips
and amazed at Hagia Sophia
for that description
I should like to see it
with your eyes.

I end this tribute in Paris
where we were young
I fell in love with you
but knew that my love
would be that of a friend -
thanks for 43 years.

Friday, October 04, 2013

L'air du temps

Le parfum "L'air du temps"
etait le premier
que j'ai utilise
mais surtout maintenant
le temps de l'air
ici sur le cote d'Atlantique
ne sait pas me faire
respirer - symptomatique.
Pour me sauver - sexagenaire
la decision - la fuite
au village languedocien
sera presque au lendemain
de l'age sage et prudent.
Malgre de la sante precaire
le temps qu'il me reste
ne sera pas tres modeste.
Car toutes les secondes comptent
fortement dans le vieux monde
je dois tourner un coin
ne me pas perdre contenance
de me rendre sur mon chemin
mon mari et ses appartenances-
helas- avec moi-meme - et mon temps.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Paris - ma jeunesse retrouvee

En embarquant du train
a la Gare de Lyon
l'air dans mon nez
etait Proustienne
et les balcons ferreux
les rues d'Haussmann
les bouquinistes
le long de la Seine
et mon petit hotel
dans rue des Ecoles
sans me rendre au
quartier de Quatorzieme
ou j'etais jeune -
en sentant le Quartier Latin
mon cerveau me disait,
vive - fievrement - Paris.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

sous l'arbre haiku

sous l'arbre d'olive
trop sensible - restant muets
un homme et un femme

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Incredible encounter of a third kind
it totally blew my feeble mind
to meet some wonderful people by chance
Forced by a shower too narrow of sorts
demanding thin persons to be brought
seeds of a new friendship's musical dance.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Des pensees noires?

Mysterieuse femme devant moi
sur le tableau
avait un reve d'un portail
et est-ce-que cette dame
est moi-meme
ou un portrait d'une ame
cherchant quelque chose
elle n'aurait jamais?
Pourquoi cette voute
car elle n'y crois pas.
Une soeur ou une consoeur
mais nous revons toutes
de ce trou rouge ou noir
il nous drague.
maintes fois il n'y a pas
de reponse
Et la curiosite assure
qu'on survive!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Hommes vs femmes

Ce n'est pas vraiment marrant
comme des hommes d'artisan
font le moins possible du travail
en se debarassant des details
quand moi comme femme est la.
Des que mon mari est presente
les hommes font leur meilleur
et ils ont quand meme peur
de ne pas bon executer leur metier!@#$%^&*

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Collioure and Cadaques

Collioure wild colors on houses
Cadaques white colors on abodes
two towns not far apart
yet a world of distance
in thoughts of how to live
subdued or complex
two sides of humans
all into one on a little holiday.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Night in Cadaques

Night on the Mediterranean
no wind but half a moon
shining on a white fishing village

eating tapas with my best friend
what more to wish for
buenas noches, Cadaques

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Laisse les bon temps rouler!

Le temps qu'il me reste il faut faire
les gens que j'aime autour de
les celebrer comme des fleurs
autrement la vie est un desert
Les credis qu'on emploi vifs et
sont des fois des follies tous
sans qu'on se rends compte du
que la vie ne soit qu'une farce

Un etre interessant

Jaques le Fataliste avait ecrit une fable fantasque
sur une femme dont l'envie de vivre ailleurs
represante sa vraie soif de la vie “picaresque”,
car dans son monde elle trouve un bonheur
avec un homme du village chevaleresque -
un personnage dont ses pensees primeures
sont pour elle tres passionantes et presque
volupteuses a cause de son savoir de bon coeur.
La combinaison des traits fabuleux et charmants
confond la dame d'etranger et ainsi l'exite
qu'elle puisse quand meme decouvrir un amant
des rimes, des livres, de l'art ...ensuite
on aime Baudelaire, Verlaine et d'Artagnan
sous les ciels bleus ou dans la penombre exotique.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

La maison d'un ami

Une demeure d'un nouvel ami 
reste un énigme formidable
car elle est comme lui
d'un esprit cultivable.
Des pièces dans la maison -
le grenier cendreux décrit bien
des magazines exigent mentions
ainsi des milliers livres anciens
c'est une vie professionnelle.
A deuxième résident des lits
et de son existence personnel
j'en connais très peu même si
il lui reste une mère vieille
et celle-ci est devenu son "bébé".
Elle est la cause de sa vie d'été
où ils demeurent en couple
dans le grand rez-de-chaussée
avec une cour autour d'un figuier 
ou on parle de la philosophie souple.
Le jour où sa mère ne reste plus
sera un changement de notre amitié
mais la maison est sur le point de vue
une merveille - la vie - un clavier. 

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Une anniversaire

Une anniversaire d'un vieil ami
une pensee aux temps passes
un garcon ensemble nous est ne
il etait le cadeau de ta vie
tu as tout rompu
merci meme si
on ne se voit plus.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Un peu de philo?

Je ne sais pas de quoi ma vie se sert
mais c'est un hasard pour me retrouver ici
si le renaissance etait ma vie
j'aurais aime d'appartenir a des gens riches
si les dixhuitieme siecle etait ma verite
j'aurais ete une fille pauvre et penalisee
si les temps des egyptiens etait reels
l'ecriture m'aurais prise dans la main
et j'aurais fait des hieroglyphs.
Mais c'est futile d'y reflechir
quand la future est si pleins des trous.
Au lieu des rever de quoi qu'il soit
il vaut mieux avancer hors de soi.
La seule chose avec quoi on peux se divertir
est d'avoir realise que si tu prends
trop de temps comme avant
la vie a les moyens de te degager
sans que tu puisses realiser
que tu est la maintenant et
le moment est aussi le meme
et demain si tu te reveilles
alors cela sera pourtant bien -
n'oublie jamais de vivre chaque instant.

Friday, August 30, 2013

L'academie francaise?

Si un jour j'aurais ete
invite par les immortels
de l'academie francaise
est-ce-que ma poesie vaudrait
mieux que maintenant?
Si un jour mes mots d'eternite
diraient a quelqu'un
les saines verites?
En touchant seulement un
ame de cette terre entier
me donne la fierte d'avoir ecrit

Thursday, August 29, 2013

L'amour et la vieilesse

L'amour pour les vieilles
est un peu plus penible
si c'etait le dernier
car les dames d'un certain age
devraient etre plus sages
mais ne les seront pas.

L'amour pour les vieilles
d'un jour a l'autre
s'il te confondrait et
voudrait te controller
tu vas le confronter
tu dois partir - vite!

Malgre L'amour des vieilles
on n'a pas le temps attendre
porte ton deuil vitement
la vie est un masquerade
j'avouerai d'etre maussade
de te valloir rien.

Mais l'amour des vieilles
porte quand meme un espoir
des que tu pourras sentir
encore une fois la jeunesse
une vraie jolie maitresse
tu est d'ailleurs vivante.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Mon probleme

Dormir sainement
reste pour moi
et tant des autres
un grand embleme.
Est-ce-que ce sont
des soucis?
De la sante
de l'esprit
qui me manque?
C'est hormonal?
Qui sait - moi pas
mais une nuit
je le sache???
Voila mon probleme.

Friday, August 23, 2013

D'un apres-midi d'une marionette

Alors sous le toit de ma maisonette
je suis presque une petite midinette
chantant et revant d'une alouette
d'ailleurs je porte mes lunettes
me faire semblant comme une sonette
qui fait du bruit presque muet
mon poeme a un probleme d'une operette
fini - il vaut mieux entendre une musette!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Va- vient

Les fleurs simples
s'envolent dans les pres
et leurs ombres
au soleil brillant
me montrent
que je suis vivant - .
Car sur mon chemin
chaque matin
les ombres des morts
me suivent encore
et leurs circles
en pierre sous des arbres
restent solide
tandis que
les chairs des hommes
subsistent un moment
mais cette evenement
est pour moi en marbre.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Monette retourna
dans son village
pour l'ascension
de La Vierge Marie
Cela fut longtemps
qu'elle etait revenue
la fete rompue
depuis des annees
un vrai dommage.
Une nuit d'ete etoilee -
la petite et son mari
passerent de l'eglise
- et les vieux
de l'endroit aime
l'avaient reconnue.

Monette retourna
dans son village ou
elle perdut sa mere
environs 2 ans de l'age.
Son pere avait
le cafe de l'endroit
ou tout le monde
se reconterait.
Les viellards la
a cause de similarite
de sa belle genetrice
depuis des annees
comme le temps
n'etait pas passe.

Monette retourna
de son village natale
elle m'a racontee
cette nuit d'ete
incroyable et du beaute
Avec son enfance
dans le cafe parental
ou tout le monde
l'avait surveillee
et sa meme – malgre
la perte de sa mere
la vie continuait – bref
les cousins etaient
ses freres du jour
meme si elle etait
la mome de son pere
adore et endeuille.

La Monette retourna
de la vie de son village
elle savait qu'elle devait
recontrer sa mere adoree.
Car elle devenait pour
son pere - l'ame aimee
et il l'a laissee
faire jusqu'au l'age
de la majorite.
Il etait l'epoux jaloux
et gifla sa bien-aimee,
car elle voulait se liberer.
La femme qui l'avait recu
tout un coup – sa liberte
coupee – se heurta.

Monette retourna
a la vie de son village
disputa avec son pere
bien – aimee et
pendant dix annees
ne lui pardonnait pas
la gifle de jalousie.
Car pour lui peut-etre
elle etait elle et sa mere
dans un individu.
Mais avec la liberte
qu'elle avait senti
comme mome
n'etait pas perdu
pour son progeniture.

Monette retourna
du passe dans son village
ou elle etait la belle
vivante – et chantante.
Dans son ame
reste encore la perte.
Elle-meme avait survicu
la tuberculose
et n'avait pas eu
de cette cause
la chance de finir
la conservatoire
mais elle avait pris
la route de prof.

Monette retourna
de la vie apres son village
ou elle enseignait
l'anglais au francais (et francais aux francais)
en chantant les poemes
pour memoriser
les regles du passe.
Elle est la vie elle-meme
sans ses propres enfants
Car le choix etait pour elle
de ne pas en avoir.
Des milliers des lyceens
recevaient l'amour
la comprehension
elle est une vraie mama.

Monette retourna
a sa vie dans son village
une nuit d'etoillee
la – ou elle trouva
la beaute des gens du passee
mais comme realiste
elle a choisi – son epoux
sa vie – ses amis
des yeux ouverts
un peu triste d'un moment
car elle lui manque encore
le trou dans son ventre chantant
la mere adoree – et
ella vit tout sa vie passee
Le moment s'envola

Thursday, August 15, 2013

5 minutes

I have five minutes
to compose an ode
I think my head
is going to explode
whatever I say here
is not worth a thing
but the words take over
and they go on a whim
to try and say somthing
real fancy and fun
well time is up
and I gotta run.

Friday, August 09, 2013

Pics from afar

Why I am on Facebook
because I am far away
from the people I love
my choice - astray.
Once in a blue moon
I receive a photo or two
from way down under
that makes me go goo!
Grandchildren of mine
I proudly will show
and they one day
maybe will know
that I love them much
the distance despite
When I meet them here
hugs galore of all my might.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013


The right to be right
is righteous
the wrong to be wrong
is capricious
the right to be wrong
is humongous
and the wrong to be right
is vagarious.

Monday, August 05, 2013

Poèmes pourquoi

Mes petits poèmes
sont au fond
les perles
de ma sueur
sans quoi je
ne suis rien
ils sont des blêmes
de mon peau
et au bout
ils restent
les larmes
je ne résolve
mes petits problèmes.

Friday, August 02, 2013

Religions beware!

How can anybody enslave another
whether it is foe or your mother
in the name of religion of any kind
I dare anyone to enslave a mind
it has been done long enough
and this has got to stop.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

En moi - un ombre

Le loup-garou en moi
est comme le vent
il m'en veut quand
je ne le querre vois
Il reste endormant
jusqu'au bon moment
ou il saute vivemnt
mon ame est en desarroi.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Une histoire banale

Dans l'esprit de l'amitié
je reste dans mon coin
à l'office de tourisme
en attendant qu'un homme
s'en aille - mais il parle
et parle et parle
son petit chien me regarde
en se disant - quand il s'en va?
Il semble gentil - mais
il a le semblance du loup
et un jour il va sauter.

Monday, July 22, 2013

L'annee chez moi

Bonjour jour d'ete
ici le soleil brilliant
nourrit notre terre
et la brule aussi.
Bonjour nuit d'ete
embaumee d'une lune
pleine des mysteres
et des cauchemars.
Bonjour jour d'automne
des pluies enveloppent
des pres glottals
trop - vomissants.
Bonjour nuit d'automne
les brouillards englobent
des toits de tuile
vers les mysteres.
Bonjour jour d'hiver
separe par des flocons
des rues les perlents
et les grignotent.
Bonjour nuit d'hiver
hurlant des tourbillons
en agitant les gens
et creant de l'horreur.
Bonjour jour du printemps
les premiers fleurs
s'ouvrent lentement
en se ruisselant.
Bonjour nuit du printemps
infernale attente finie
et on danse dans l'espoir
de nouvelle Pierrette.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

J'ai oublie - non

J'ai oublie qu'avec des chansons
on peut passer des belles nuits
des convivialite
simplement se prendre du bon temps
J'ai oublie qu'avec des chansons
on passe vite la vie - oui
J'ai oublie comment se debrouiller
avec des compagnon de chansons
mais une chose me reste
Je n'est pas oublie de collectionner
des amis - pour moi
c'est l'essentiel et etre
cela a l'inverse.

Regntanker - gruk

I mit lille hus
sidder jeg stille
og lytter til draaberne
som falder haardt
paa taget.

I mit lille hus
drypper vandet af mig
for det er varmt
under ryggens

I mit lille hus
kan jeg sagtens faa
en sauna's varme
eller maaske et dampbad
og det er helt

Wednesday, July 03, 2013


Je me promene dans les garriques
entre la mer et les montagnes
autour de moi - les fleurs de pre
je me chante - une troubadoritz
venant de si loin - mon chemin
m'a emmenee ici d'ailleurs
a l'aise pourtant sans rancune
la paix dans la peau - non
car a l'interieur je me sens
encore si jeune - vivante -
en permanance une soixante-huitarde
restee - figee - en esprit
quelle horreur de se sentir
si vivante sans pouvoir le faire.
Des fourmilles dans mon ventre
quand je rentre de mon promenade
c'est rarissisme - horror vacui
et pourtant je me sens de chez moi.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013


Quand on attend son artisan
en serrant ses dents
il faut connaitre la patience
etre adulte - non enfant
car le boulot lui donne
des fois des surprises
et je dois comprendre
et me surmise.
Mais c'est bien irritant.

Friday, June 28, 2013

De chez moi

En rentrant d'un voyage
au pays nordique
j'ai un petit image
quand je me suis dit
la vie en tournage
est agreable et idyllique
mais de retour au village
de chez moi scenique.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Min soens far

Vi gik meget igennem du og jeg
og vi skiltes -
jeg baerer den byrde ikke
at lade ham se dig
for at beskytte ham.
Blev gift med en anden
og rejste UD
Fik boern med den anden
og var glad.
Vores barn faldt i vandet
og maatte sendes hjem
ikke til dig men andre
som holdt af ham
og gav ham stoette.

Det var det svaereste
at lade ham gaa -
men hvis ikke, tja ...?
Han moedtes i vort hjemland
med dig flere gange
og et er sket
og saa sluttede han selv legen.
Hvad der er sket
ved jeg ikke
men det var for ham for meget.
Aareene gaar og
han kom sig - min soen
rejste til en ny verdensdel
fik en liv der -
et godt et med kone og boern.

Mere tid rendte i saenk
og en anden person doede
hende der havde staaet min soen naer.
Jeg ryddede op og fandt billeder
og hun og du havde haft
lidt kontakt.
Jeg fandt dig og afleverede
billederaf to boerneboen til dig.
Du var allerede den gang
trist at se paa.

Endnu et par aar svandt og
igen en tur tilbage.
Et nyt barnebarn
og jeg syntes du skulle vide det.
Kunne ikke finde dig
og maatte gaa til forvaltningen.
Betalte for en oplyssning.
Fandt dit nye sted -
Et plejehjem paa Oesterbro
og jeg vidste at nu var det svaert.

Vi moedtes i dit vaerelse
du sad med ilt hele tiden
du begaar selvmord ved at drkke
dig ihjel.
Du faar ilt hele tiden -
En nyere veninde kommer og
forsyner dig: Vodkaekspressen.

Vi snakkede og jeg forstod
at du ikke har mod selv og alligevel
er du ved dine "fulde" fem.
En flaske om dagen uden ekstra
skal hurtigt faa kaal paa
en levende person - ved ikke
om du spiser - for det saa jeg ikke.
Asocial sidder du og venter.

Men alligevel har du bevaret
den soedme jeg trods alt faldt for.
Andre ogsaa, du har haft tre koner
og mig har du ikke vaeret gift med.
Dine smukke haender fra dengang
var intakte men skaerende tynde -
Din elegante udtale og stemmefoering
manglede i den grad charmens ungdom
men jeg erindrer den paa trods.

Vi snakkede fortid - nutid
men ej fremtfid - nyttesloes.
Du har svaert ved at trakke vejret
Du snakkede soegende
ikke efter ordnene men efter spyttet
i halsen, mon du har strubekraeft
- jeg spurgte ikke -

Dit maal er at blive 66 aar og
jeg ved ikke engang om du naar det
for der er kun ca 66 dage tilbage
Jeg sagde spoegende at det var djaelvens tal.

Maerkeligt nok, der var intet
vi to ikke kunne snakke om.
Et menneske som er far til min soen
men du har plantet en ny og staerkere
generation, dine gener fra vikingerne
lever videre i Australien;
din stolthed over din joededom
er intakt og du er stadig dig
paa baade ondt og godt.

Et menneske som har levet livet
paa sine praemisser men ogsaa
uskyldig fordi han engang blev praeget
af sin opvaekst og en mor der var svaer
men med en onkel i din fars sted.
Alt dette er indeholdt i den lille
aeske du gav mig til din soen.
Tak fordi du gav mig ham.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

St Hans Aften anno 2013

Min hjemskovs sommerafen
under løvets lunenende skytte
på en lille skrænt
mellem ukendte mennesker
blev St Hans aftens bål tændt
Midsommervisen sunget
af kongelige sopraner fineste skrud
og heksens fart til syden
var betagende enkel.
Pierrots tændte bålet
et mysterium spejlede sig
i søens tavse flade.
Et fyrværkeris skudsmål
sendte den magiske dame af
med fyndig maner.
Men det var bålets skygge
der fulgte de to veninder
og vi var nattens svaner.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Et solminde

En stensætning langs vandet
en pige i drøm - en bedste i løn
hvordan kan jeg andet
end tænke på min - fortid
og dog at leve i et nu

Sommersol og bølgeskvulp
hvor banalt - rent pivgalt
men trods alt halvandet
af mit livsforløb - her
og dette lys mod nord

Let brise over min krop
kærtegnet og hærtegnet
alderens ungdom opmandet
en gave fra vejret idag
jeg nød det gevaldigt

Friday, June 14, 2013

Mon pays

Voyages pris vers le pays natal
c'est incroyable
car je n'y pense jamais mais
c'est inoubliable.
Mes racines sont forts
et j'aurai tort
de me le dire autrement.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Philo poeme 1

Les motards de ma rue
fait du bruit
le matin
et maintenant je sais
que je suis
pas - rien.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

la ou on est

Mon village autour
de la vie
reste dans le coeur
comme un ami
sans se poser
la question
pourqoui cet endroit
et pas un autre
et peut-etre cela
sera si bien
de ne se pas demander
pourquoi ici
cela sera pour
les philosophes
la vie me pasesera.

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Un noeud

Mon noeud
dans mon trou
au fond de mon ventre
reste avec moi toujours
sauf quand je creerai
de la sculpture.
La tension s'enleve
comme dans un reve
mais sans cette
fausse amie depuis
mon enfance
j'ai aucune esperance
de me le debarasser.
Mon noeud
dans mon trou
au fond de mon ventre
un ancre cher a mon ame
et pourtant
quand je le sens
cela me sert a rien
me dicte de faire
des betises sottes
et je n'arrive meme
pas a aimer moi-meme.
Respecter le soi
m'est impossible
a cause du noeud
dans mon trou
au fond de mon ventre.
Mon torse delaisse
est epuise et rate
mes pieds deformes
mes amours sans sens
comme un noeud
dans mon trou
au fond de mon ventre.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Viking's burn

Come every May and June awaits
somewhere in another place
the weird longing for "home"
of a special kind - a dome
childhood and light nights
surprising me with its might
I feel a need to fly away
from a heart's desire
to a yearning stray
somewhere in my quagmire
there is a viking's yearn
that somehow is biological
I must fly a swallow's turn
to quell the thirst's focal.
A medieval's daughter fires
the midsummer's dances
and her flight sires
the dreams she entrenches.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Un petit point

Des mots croises
des gens dans la rue
des poubelles
un chien qui se vide
un homme qui se gratte
dans ses cheveux
une vieille femme regarde
de sa fenetre des gens
en passage
la vie coule ici
et ailleurs - et
pourtant c'est pour
aujourd'hui mon existence.

Une salade

L'amitie un mot excellent
L'amour une phrase superbe
et les deux incomparables
l'aenometrie - l'enfance
de l'art jusqu'au bout
de rires et au serieux
chaque tempeture d'humanite
des confreres humaines
en vous saluant
un jour on ne serait pas la
mais pour le moment - on y est.

(a Francine et Max)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Falling tendencies?

what took you so long
you foolish lady
don't I deserve better?
humbly - I promise
to air and to care
for your walls and roof
of yesteryear
after all we share the
same fate
we all disintegrate
it just takes longer
for medieval walls
not for older females
The only thing is know
is that this building
will still stand
when I fall!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A spirit's house

My spiritual home awaits
my return
the living house says
adieu ajourn.
One day I hope to mix
them both to one
alas I fear the nix
of fate's shun.
Shall I then forever haunt
the future avaunt
from whence my soul's came
I can no one blame
but myself to the nth degree;
pride in that I was me.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Help spring

Noise from lawn movers
projects a beautiful green
tears and snot
is what I've got
every spring it's a scream
almost hit throwers.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

A viking dada

Vikings and their Age
somehow escape my page
but I shall take revenge
and learn about the henge

from the Visigoth
via the Voelva
from Dyrendal to
the Gesta Danorum

The blod of the Norse
tells stories in Morse
dots and blots abound
events of history sound.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Out spot

Dissipated anger -
gone almost
frankly I nearly
do not give a damn.
Freedom to be
only me and none
of the usual
meticulously under
the microscope.
Lastly - I can
breathe freely
I can lovingly laugh
for my own foibles.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tonight a change

A part of me died tonight
and freedom is in sight
realizing that siblings
can be cruel and egotistic
therefore I went ballistic
and sadly I wish I didn't
because I knew it all along
so I shall play my part
and for once I shall be
not myself but my mother
and there is the bother
the family I was born into
is a shitty embroidery
and I will have to unpick
the pieces - one by one
and get one that fits me
switch to knitting a sock
that is the real choc.
Part of me died tonight
not anything more or less
Sadly, that is my behest.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Lovely spring

The days of April
turn into hell
for pollen-counter agents
the numbers are big
the world looks great
alas, out of patience.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A queen's pageant

Beautiful people
showing of their stuff
we others could learn
ever so much.
Sequins and feathers -
jewelry bedeck'd
it's all about talent
self and respect.
Who holds the fire
against gay pride
should really look
deeply inside.
Celebrating life
is that a crime?
We are all different,
life is dearly sublime.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lobbying is ...

Lobbying is bribery,
legalized, of course -
just buy the votes - no
registration enforced.
This system should be
abolished and out
the honest politician
alas has not clout.
What am I saying?
Honesty and politics
you will only have
conjuring tricks
of democracy or other
it is not the best
but it is by far
the less of the infest'.
Lobbying without
money or power
is like taking away
America's ivory tower.
And as for the honesty
an oxymoron at work
in Congress everywhere
I will show a smirk.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Last scheme of all

The hearty heroine
of so many stories through
rape, birth, healing and joy
was waning valiantly.
The Voelva Vigga was not
going to go silently
but would pick a fight

Dear death will come
to everyone and the souls
flutter away accordingly.
Meanwhile - the time was now
and nobody could take that away.
Living and dying - two sides
of the proverbial coin
you have to give to
the well known ferryman
of Acheron would be most
beings' destiny - not all
because some die in uteri.

She was threading thoughtfully
along the beloved pathways
that she had journeyed
forever in her life and
also her grannies of the
outer Isles. Her mother
she mused had not been as
strong as she the sibyl.
The sight had bypassed
and gone straight to
her and her daughter .
Samuel the healer
with whom she went
north one sensuous summer
did not hinder the sight
To be passed down.

Her highborn sister
Sophia the Sage
did not inherit
the scopic seeing
but was solemnly wise.
The last day the Volva
reflected with reason
her memory's menanderings
took her from the time
she realized her gift
from her stone grannies
to the wealth of weeks
and behemoth's bygone
extraordinary experiences
that any soul has who
has embraced life's
golden granite throws.

She walked slowly
to memorize the path
so often taken behind
her humble hovel
in the woodsy - she was not quite
there sans everything
but she was getting closer.

She took a breath of life
and saw herself as a young child
near to proverbial brook
asking her one gracious granny
why she sometimes saw something
which she could not explain.
Her foremother declared
that it was the sure sight -
but she should not have gotten it
until the first moon blood.
and here the vigorous Vigga
was barely seven years -
and she could foresee the
future in her own way.
Vigga the Voelva had taken
the vision with the grain
of disbelief but as she matured
and her monthly flow came
the sight could no longer
be ignored no invalidated.

As she matured the fealty fate
of her views began to change
from a young girl of the woodlands
she became a wholesome healer
to her village - always bearing
in mind that one day
she would stand up and do
something that would become
her pride - her loving legacy.
But now looking back
there was only one -
her dearest daughter -

The valiant Voelva as everyone
else must come to embrace
that the deeds we do
leave very little but
passing on the generations
of genes - our only offering
to the pool of passions
will eventually become
the galactic gala of Gaea.
Whether or not the world's end
would be the fairy fate
of the melting pool of mankind
the Voelva Vigga wholeheartedly
knew that she on her last day
had done what she
by her foremothers' creed
had been fated to do
- nothing more -
nothing less - she had lived.
When you play genteel games
someone's has to win
others will have lose
it is all to her Lady's luck.

Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.
(Shakespeare "As you like it")

I am the Change

Change of plans
change of fate
change of

Monday, April 15, 2013

"Charge of the life's brigade"

Taking charge
of one's own health
is a decision
of monumental
About bloody time
some would say
but you can only
do a feat when
you wake up
to whatever you
needs are.
Ne'er before
nor since
and even though
it may be too late
it is what it is
But I will live
to my abilities' end.
Charging forward
and realizing
that now is truly

Friday, April 12, 2013

Chandler's view

Masks mask your view
on gents and women
to the nth
alas, your sight died
your oevres live
all over the world
in Aussie your tree
blossoms as on
the day it was taken
two happenings
in the US , here there
Mick Jagger professes
his strength
An orange wall
in a small town
lightens a room.
Your pantomime
swirls derwishly.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

a haiku on beethoven

A Russian trio
played Beethoven this eve
Panache of fun notes

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Another year

Joel the Aussie guy
Of my youth
Your day is surely
In my weird brain.
Such sweet a friend
Left too early
But when I see
The daffodils
It is Cambridge
And your letters
Of 33 years
I envision encore.
Happy swimming.

Monday, April 01, 2013


April Fool's Day
A google nose appears
To dream a Proustian memory
Of Athens forty years ago.
A coincidence unreal
lying on my night stand
"The perfume Lover"
Spins a smelly tale
Of recreating an
Andalusian night.
Noses abound in
Dr. Seuss' universe
Sniff out their special
Ambrosia for kids.
Rank mustiness of
fecal stench in
The back streets
Flavors of mom's
Kitchen rest within
Most of us -
Except the unhappy
Anosmic animals
Who cannot get
A whiff of white lilies
Or their culture's
Wildly wantons' vittles.
The essential fumigator's
Byword in an olefactoid
Aphorizes the humor
On Buffoon's shoal
Of the bard's tale.
But one day science
Will just invent
By atomic transmorgrifation
The bit of nosetalgy.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Sunday morn in Central Park

New York enfolding
Central Park
on a Sunday morn
middle of March
cold wintry sun
dogs and owners
taking a stroll
playing ball
bare trees
with spring buds
watching the scene
runners thump
thump thump
the traffic's roar
remaining quiet
for now - only
the bustling
playground of paws
and shoes
a vivid memento.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Papal Limerick

The cardinals gather in Rome
next to St Peter's dome
ornate with their hats
ready for the great combat
to elect the heir to the throne.

On day two it was done
unprecedented - won
a successor of the crown
as Pope Francis he is known
he hit a home-run.

Alas, like many men of robe
He also had a slight slope
Hidden in his priestal past
He did not help the harassed
so he's like any other pope.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

German 2

The German words
Der Gabel
Die Loffel
und das Messer
for fork, spoon
and knife
certainly an
of the English
logic to life.
Nobody in their
right mind
would say
that this was
but whatever it is
you might name it
it is truly

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I love the German language
In all its wunderbares curves
The clarity and its Gedankengefuhl
Motors your brainwaves
On the road to logic.
The English speech takes
Inroads -and out roads
With ideas floating freely
Not hampered by toxic grammar.
Twain's little epistle
On the Germanic sprache
Enthralls with all its wits.
But the ethos in the Logos
Of the germane grammar
Is non-plussed unsurpassed.


What to do with drunken word
sunken treasures of the blues?
Ill thoughts need to be buried
Under rosy-colored hues.
What if the reality hits
Too strongly along the road?
Do you hit back and be proud
Or cower just for show?

Friday, March 08, 2013

Did it somehow

A lost day to an infection
But not without introspection
Seeing that kids have grown
Makes me smile to the bone
Must have done it right
A mom's sure delight.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013


During the snowquester
It is too obvious
Dancing snow - just a jester
Of rain -I so distrust
Weathermen - a tester
Spring is now victorious.
Even Congress' molesters
Playing games so vicious
Let's all be requesters
Free of the oblivious
Of the towering sequester
Prediction can be devious.

Thanks to Joel Ashenbach of the Washington Post
For creating the term 'snowquester'

Monday, March 04, 2013


Elaborates in
Only to
And then
To be
The embers
There are no
Only echoes of

Friday, March 01, 2013

Wish for when I grow up

When I grow up
I want to walk in the sand
spreading my toes
feeling the gentle surf
sun frolicking
studying human nature
learning a new item
and keeping my mind alert.
If I could sometimes see
my kids and grand kids
that would be superb.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

February haiku - the end?

February ends
springs out in the month of March
wills winter away

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A sad observation

Shy sadness inveigles
a youngster
She sits across from me
saying very little
but her still silhouette
conveys deep scars
from too early sufferings.
Impotent rage screams
within my brains why?
Children needs to be
given sanctuary -
they do not need
all the crap adults fight.
Anger grabs hold
Wondering who did this
Should be punished.
Alas, if it were that simple.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday pm - miffed

I do not have to write
every day
I do not have to oust
every say
accept what I cannot do
with reluctance
just know that this pm is

Monday, February 18, 2013

bored in burb

Bored stiff in suburbia
What is there to do
On a Monday night
But go shopping
In a local center?
Sadly vilely and
Not conducive to
Any brainy kind
Of comment on
The world's utter
Noticing new colors
For spring as old
In my childhood
Seams up or down
Doesn't matter
Cause it is more
Of the repeating
Patterns of the year.
Wishing for something
New and exciting
A new event, a whim
Of some little spark.
Old battery needs
Recharging in the burbs.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

More on mores

Chevalieresque behavior
of the Medieval troubadour
tends to be lauded as gentle
towards its defenseless females.
Raping the adored highborn
justified by she wanted it
A womanly singer's song
defies and mocks the "true" mores.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Is it spring?

February sun
warms asphalt, heats dirt
so tulips get the idea
it is time.
February nights
show the flowers the chill
the temporalis muscle
works in time.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dog eat dog

Dog eats dog world
For no reason at all
Dog walks dog bites dog
It is just because
Randomness shown
By crazy animal
Life's a bitch.

Saturday, February 09, 2013

While listening

Elisir d'amore
out over the ether
bella encore
opera for neither
the uppity
nor the downity
just appreciation
an amalgamation
of taste in music
c'est tout sic!

Friday, February 08, 2013

King Cake

I have a job to do
To bake a big goo
To find the recipe
Is far too easy
Cause there are so many
On the net's horn of plenty.
It is hard to pick the right one
Let's hope the job will be done
Whether well or not
I'll give it my utter shot
a king's cake - play the brass
in honor of mardi gras.

Thursday, February 07, 2013


Walking needed
just didn't feel
up to it
so delegated the
dog walking job - .
I am the one to suffer
because I truly
need the exercise.

One day out and tomorrow
oh yes - another day
and maybe not,
odds are 50/50.
Living in the now
I have to follow
my sense of the body
and it said no.

My mind knows I should've
and could've and must've.
Alas the rope of lassez-faire
caught me empty-handed
and I let myself go.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Lucretia and Pietro

Oh wild worshiper
of the female body
will thou have me again?
Not the husband of mine
but you - a holy man -
flame my Venus mount
only to count the interim
until our essences
bloom once more
as the strength of minds
split into a glow
from the ignition
willed to be for now
the splendor from
your staff - an osmosis
to smother my inner needs.

My dearest goddess
of love and war and truly
a blend of everything
known to man -
you knowest I desire
only you and your mind
cause with the mating
we blend our psyches
and that melange
is what makes you (and I)
a world apart from
the sordid belittling
people hating society
around us - I love
to enter your true self
tickle and tease you
to insane delight.

You talk to much
about the world outside
about what we shouldn't do
instead of worshiping
what we have here.
Horsewhipping me
is what I need every time
and you are to do it
with your divine obelisk.
Please next time
I want the full treasure
of your articulation
to the degree of
sensuous delirium.

AH, you command me
mistress of my mind
to belt you with my cudgel
and my tongue,
I shall command
and you will obey my
every stroke of thought
every inch of desire
shall be known to you
you shall know thyself
to a visceral degree
that you one day may wish
you never would have achieved.
I shall exploit you
and your curvaceous
exciting scaffolding
while playing lute
to your wild fantasies.

On reading about the affair of Lucrezia Borgia
and Pietro Bembo. Unfortunately I have not
yet read their love letters, but this is my
modern rendition of what it could have been.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Bump in the head

A bump in the head
Will make you bleed
A rump in the bed
Will make you concede
That a rump is better
Than a bump and bleeding
Like a pig isn't conceiving.
So when you hit your knocker
And you go to the local ER
Say to yourself what the f**er
It could have been a saboteur.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wasting food is a crime
Too many go hungry
So my kind of cooking
Is weird, sometimes funky
I will not throw out
Day-old chicken country
But transform it into
A pie- a bit chunky.
My mother was adamant
Saving food humbly.
So next time you cook
Think various and sundry.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sappho - a poet

Sensual Sappho
of Lesbos Isle
daring dame
of yesteryear
your potent poems
sexually smell
of deep desires
in husky humans.
Unafraid unfathomable
of earthlings' esprit
our secluded senses
harebrainedly hidden
away from it all
in a sealed sanctuary.
For lovers' lust
of any sex you saved
the muse most alive.
You earned your fame
in all an awesome fate
if only one could....

bright haiku

Citrony tulips
brighten the dreary gray morn
on a sunless day.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Speed it up

Oh wide berth of time
you would be sublime
to run a little faster - please
so I can be on the plane
instead of in the slow lane.
I can then dance the javanese
in the village of my choice
to me: it is my rolls royce.

La javanaise is a song by Serge Gainbourg

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Photo talk

Fervent participants in an
Anti-abortion's rally
In front of the Supreme Court
Raised their right hands
In what could be seen as
A Nazi salute -
For this poetress
A hidden rebuke
In this front page image.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ta platre pensee

Ma petite artiste
avec son pied sur terre
exercera sa magie
au lieu de danser
avec les dieux
d'opus incertum
creant une forme feconde
qui surement reste
la sienne du riflard.

Dearth of icicles?

Bleak sunshine
where windswept
blossoms meet
its iciness.

Creepy coldness
its own birth
of blooms
only to shade
the shadows.

Dearth of death
healing beauty
and branches
of diamond drops
on panes.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

School trauma of a different kind

Sometime in the sixties
a young girl of good family
tried several times to commit
what some would say
the ultimate sin
Nevermore said the Raven.

She succeeded one day
jumping from the highest floor
before that she had changed
schools and friends
she must have been
For Evermore sadly uneven.

One day in November
our dour and strict Headmaster
came into the room to tell
the terrible news
he half blamed us for the deed
Nevermore was by him read.

Rumors went flying high
why she took her young life
was it of a love unrequited
Our stern master took out
a young man after the reading
Nevermore is my Name.

Whenever Poe's name is heard
I think only of a tender soul
who only blossomed for an inch
of a life in a sad person
what could have been
a fantastic flying Raven.

I think of a time 25
years plus at a school reunion
a chat with the accused man
He never forgave our authority
danced on his grave
saying I didn't Nevermore.

Stark remembrances from
way back in our youth
sadly it is the most prevalent
memory of my school years
they should hold so much
the Raven stands out evermore.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

B - a word

Wonderful boredom
getting nuts creates
a vacuum in my belly
hunger for excitement
Makes me wanna scream
Start something -but what
For now -go take a shower
The hot water sizzling
The cold dark gray day.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Let sleeping dog lie

Dog growls after her morn walk
Outside sleeping son's room
She does not stop
Until I open door.
Up she jumps.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Oh tempora!

Does it matter
what a poet writes?
No, it is just words
But with thoughts
Anyone can change
Her or his world,
It just takes time
Precision arguments
And persuasion.
Anyone can become
A truthsayer for
A moment in time.
Alas, few will follow
This trekking trouveur.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Off days starts with off
something you spill or drop
then you know inside your belly
this day hence written off.

Friday, January 11, 2013

A conversation

A very grown-up lady
wants her mom's approval
seeking it desperately
trained early and hard
into being the "dutiful daughter"
Mom is in her eighties
will not acknowledge the incest
daughter suffered from
the biological husband,
for years when even a teen.
Consequence: an addiction.

Still to this day:

Mom - love me for me
Mom - don't talk nonsense
Mom - love me for me
Mom - don't talk
Mom - love the me
Mom - just don't
Mom - love me
Mom - be the daughter
Mom - I am
Mom - then don't talk nonsense
Mom - love me for myself
Mom - so how is the weather?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

An enigma

A friend's lack of response
After more than twenty years
Should I call one more time
A choice to become
Can we ever know what
Makes our fellow traveler

Wednesday, January 09, 2013


Undo the automatic
Users' conundrum.
So mayhap I shall
Unhook my Nook.
The automata update
Erased my library
So all I have now
Is loads of ads
For books I wouldn't
Nook in years.
Starking behavior
Of a company.

(I was a little premature
The sd card came loose
But at least did
Unwified my Nook
And now I know
That the company can
Undo if they so choose)

Monday, January 07, 2013

L'ame pourri

Pour un monde meilleur
Comme disait le poete.
Helas rien est change
Sur notre petite planete
Les guerres en soi
Restent ici, ma foi,
Et l'ame de l'homme
Pourrait bien utiliser
Un vide-pomme.

Friday, January 04, 2013

A normal day

War, molested women
Kids either on drugs
Or youth soldiers
For war lords or fanatics
Cheats, fracking,
Spies on industry
Ensnaring cons
What a great day.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Spam or not

A post in my inbox
Open or not
The addressee
Known or not
First placed in
Spam box
Thought again
Should I or not
Looked in
Spam box
Said what the
Beep or not
Opened the
Email up
A meeting of
Minds we got
Four months
Hence -pure luck
I decided to open
My email box
A chance for
A consoeur or such.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

no impression

Hungry color-deprived sun-up
On a bleak wintry morn
Meeting the stark branches.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

La poetesse proclame

Un poeme spontane
d'un Orphee
Dit lyriquement
La verite
Du moment.