Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Lucretia and Pietro

Oh wild worshiper
of the female body
will thou have me again?
Not the husband of mine
but you - a holy man -
flame my Venus mount
only to count the interim
until our essences
bloom once more
as the strength of minds
split into a glow
from the ignition
willed to be for now
the splendor from
your staff - an osmosis
to smother my inner needs.

My dearest goddess
of love and war and truly
a blend of everything
known to man -
you knowest I desire
only you and your mind
cause with the mating
we blend our psyches
and that melange
is what makes you (and I)
a world apart from
the sordid belittling
people hating society
around us - I love
to enter your true self
tickle and tease you
to insane delight.

You talk to much
about the world outside
about what we shouldn't do
instead of worshiping
what we have here.
Horsewhipping me
is what I need every time
and you are to do it
with your divine obelisk.
Please next time
I want the full treasure
of your articulation
to the degree of
sensuous delirium.

AH, you command me
mistress of my mind
to belt you with my cudgel
and my tongue,
I shall command
and you will obey my
every stroke of thought
every inch of desire
shall be known to you
you shall know thyself
to a visceral degree
that you one day may wish
you never would have achieved.
I shall exploit you
and your curvaceous
exciting scaffolding
while playing lute
to your wild fantasies.

On reading about the affair of Lucrezia Borgia
and Pietro Bembo. Unfortunately I have not
yet read their love letters, but this is my
modern rendition of what it could have been.

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