Sunday, January 20, 2013

School trauma of a different kind

Sometime in the sixties
a young girl of good family
tried several times to commit
what some would say
the ultimate sin
Nevermore said the Raven.

She succeeded one day
jumping from the highest floor
before that she had changed
schools and friends
she must have been
For Evermore sadly uneven.

One day in November
our dour and strict Headmaster
came into the room to tell
the terrible news
he half blamed us for the deed
Nevermore was by him read.

Rumors went flying high
why she took her young life
was it of a love unrequited
Our stern master took out
a young man after the reading
Nevermore is my Name.

Whenever Poe's name is heard
I think only of a tender soul
who only blossomed for an inch
of a life in a sad person
what could have been
a fantastic flying Raven.

I think of a time 25
years plus at a school reunion
a chat with the accused man
He never forgave our authority
danced on his grave
saying I didn't Nevermore.

Stark remembrances from
way back in our youth
sadly it is the most prevalent
memory of my school years
they should hold so much
the Raven stands out evermore.

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