Thursday, June 11, 2020

NOW in the US

A black man died of being chocked
by a white police man
repeat ad nauseam
A black woman being shot in her bed
by a white policeman
repat ad nauseam
A white woman's yell for help
in a park - perceived afraid
repeat ad nauseam
police grabbing money and drugs
off people after arresting them
repeat ad nauseam
poor immigrants thrown in jail
because of no papers
repeat ad nauseam
fresh not contaminated water
in Flint and poor neighborhoods
repeat ad nauseam
poverty kills gives illnesses
and fight for life
repeat ad nauseam
and the poor schools not
getting support and good teaching
repeat ad nauseam

--ad nauseam--
--ad nauseam--
---d nausea---
-can't breathe-

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