Friday, June 19, 2020


I am no poet
and not even a wordsmith
but I am an angry old lady
maybe only a broad
because why on earth
does stupidity reign supreme
in this land  of the "free"
No one is ever free of anything
except the nihilists
and even a so-called denier
is not alone in the society
Maybe I am not as good
as I should be but - fuck -
nobody is - it is the human
in us all

I am no bard
and not even a lyricist
but I am an enraged old gal
perhaps only a dame
furious at why the youngsters do
not rebel more
in the land of the free
I am white European with a
privilege that I did not know
I had - having a visible handicap
so whatever bla bla bla
Not as supportive as I could be
trying harder
but nobody is - it is the the biped
in us all

But just because
I am no singer I squeal
that black lives matter
yellow/red /blue/brown
mixed with genes
all lives matter
learning to hate comes early
history or not be damned
"a damsel in distress"
in Central Park will
not excuse her behavior
nor will any police violence
be accepted -  this so-called
country of the "Free" is
not free at all.

Sunday, June 14, 2020


A mask party a la
Marcel Marceau
Dance around
In a park nude
With a cover
Over your nose
And silent mouth
Saying nothing
Observing only
Your fellow people
As they twirl as well
In the twilight zone
Of true  fairytales
Letting yourself
Be looked at
Realizing that
We are nothing
But humans
What we say is
How we act
As dancers
In life’s ballet
Only  everyone
Does it differently
Grayish bluish
Beamlight on
The specters
In mouth/nose tutus
Twirling the batons
And humping
Undetectably on
Two sticks
It is surely
A mascarade
Of mummanity

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Too easy

Too easy to kill
In a country where
Every citizen has
A right to arm
Her- or himself
Where the police
Only needs a
High school diploma
Not even a
Psycho evaluation

Too easy to maim
Your fellow man
Or citizen
And with a shrewd
Lawyer one can
Get away with
Murder or privilege
As long as you
Are white or wealthy
Of any color

Too easy to bully
Anyone different
From yourself
Or your peers
It happens everyday
To the underdogs
Kill maim destroy
Humans and their
Self confidence
It’s easily taught

A unique haiku

my purple penis
filled from the usb port
a woman in bloom

Thursday, June 11, 2020

NOW in the US

A black man died of being chocked
by a white police man
repeat ad nauseam
A black woman being shot in her bed
by a white policeman
repat ad nauseam
A white woman's yell for help
in a park - perceived afraid
repeat ad nauseam
police grabbing money and drugs
off people after arresting them
repeat ad nauseam
poor immigrants thrown in jail
because of no papers
repeat ad nauseam
fresh not contaminated water
in Flint and poor neighborhoods
repeat ad nauseam
poverty kills gives illnesses
and fight for life
repeat ad nauseam
and the poor schools not
getting support and good teaching
repeat ad nauseam

--ad nauseam--
--ad nauseam--
---d nausea---
-can't breathe-

quiche quitted?

I forgot how to make a quiche
does that mean - Alzheimer's?
yet I did not bother to look it up
thought I could cook it -
the repast was different
(just as good I might add)
but not the quiche I dreamt off
redo it correctly
or  reframe the words
not as many eggs and no bacon
but ham and mushroom
and the dough was ok -
did not measure that either
can I forgive myself for
forgetting the recipe
although I never use it
the way it is supposed to?
for once -  a quiche acquitted!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Tonnerre nocturne

Dans le climat tempéré
Il change petit à petit 
Sans que personne 
le sache d’une année 
A l’autre tout un coup 
on est dans le subtropical 

Dans une vie femme 
L’échange tombe
D’une année à l’autre
D’une jeunâtes vers
La vieillesse plus
Ou moins pénible 

Entre les deux temps 
Le chaleur et le feu
Rend possible tout
Qui reste mystérieux 
Et humain au sein
D’un tonnerre nocturne 

Sunday, June 07, 2020


Brutal force rams innocent lives
mostly others than white
why - why - why

Brutal police ruffles to keep order
not friendly at all
why - why - why

Brutality rules the streets in the US
rifles, guns, AK47
why - why - why

Brutal gang wars runs cities
money supports drugs
why - why - why

Brutal penury and needs
is a way of life
why - why - why

Brutal lack of education in cities
too many to a class room
why - why - why

Brutal lives of inhumanity
repeating the circle
why - why - why

Brutal racism in behavior
often in the powers
why - why- why

Brutal absence of empathy
in everyone all over
why- why - why

Brutal racism reigns here
and in the world
why - why -why

Brutal examples of hatred
kills from within
why - why- why

Saturday, June 06, 2020

Sadness acrostic


Thursday, June 04, 2020

Un peu risqué

Le désir reste sur le toi(t)
attendant le grand tronçon
l'ouverture est en moi
hesitant dans un donjon
le berceau s'imprègne
comme un animal d'antan
avec la finesse urbaine
sans trop de s'abandonnant
le luxe de la volupté
le calme dans le petit lit
est un vrai atrocité
ton corps me rajeunie.

Tuesday, June 02, 2020


Den sengekant hvorpå jeg sidder
Stille en sen aftentime
Efter en netflixsnydelse
Ja man kan jo selv vælge
Er en enlig kvindes rand
Mange kanter har jeg siddet på
Og nogle har lænet sig indover
En simpel seng hvor jeg var sløj
Mødte jeg for første gang
En venindes mand i Paris
Min mor bekymrede sig ofte
I barndommen læsende højt
Godnathistorier og fortalte
Selvlavede hits om kejseren
Af Kina og hans bedrifter
Af elskeres sengekanter
Er der nok en speciel
En sommer på Skagen
I et loftkammer med
En enkeltmandsseng
Til to - kanten var gedigen
Eller ... nej det hører
Fortiden til - fremtidige
Sengekantsminder begyndte
For år siden med franske
Fortællinger og kvindefnis
Børnebørns sengekanter
Er nu at vente her men også
Hisset dog ikke ofte
På grund af afstanden
Mine sengekantseventyr
Af den muntre slags er
Dengang som nu
Fornøjelige og fantastiske
Som dansere i haremsbukser
Hvirvlende dervisher
I blodrøde gevandter
Og jeg falder i Morfeus’
Arme og driver afsted
- forhåbningsfuldt -
At miraklet indfinder sig
Og jeg sover hele natten

Monday, June 01, 2020

Letters to different lovers

It was your smile that captured me
you looked like a little boy
when we made love
so horror horror - did I fable
that you were younger than that
or maybe I portrayed myself
as a young chick -

It was your hands that grabbed me
you were greedy as the protagonist
we made love
so I knew you just used me
and you never felt what I did
and at that time
I was a young girl

It was your story- telling that hit me
you were my guide to poetry
we made love
my soul mate - you proposed
several instanc es
I couldn't  because
I was a young woman

It was your gentleness that got to me
you  - my husband of many years
you treat me like a queen
we have seen a lot together
Eluding you the first time
I urged you to say yes
and I was younger

It was your kindness that drew me
you were my dancing partner
we made love
we  fun-chase seriously
with music and summers
in spite wintry-weather times
I  still feel young