Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lessons in medieval history

In a history class
shown a movie
with an observant monk
trying to figure out
why and who did the murders
the name of the rose
and it was surely not
a rose-colored garden
but bitterly cold and wrought
abbey high in isolated mountains
with much medieval mystery
but the knowledge
the teacher wants the young ones
to take away is to remind them
that times are a little bit easier
a little bit less violent
a lot less superstition around
although when you open
the news or read the dailies
it is difficult to
swallow that times have changed
that much - but at the end of the day
if you are not atomistic
your faith in genes and changes
will alas be in vain
so in spite of it all
I still hope for the future
of a more personable personkind.

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