Sunday, March 07, 2010


Travelogue from a friend
reminds me of places
I shall never see
but it doesn't matter
because in my mind's eye
I have tripped more times
than I can remember.
Every time I open the newspaper
every time I see a film
every time I read a book
every time I listen to people.
I journey sometimes
further than I have ever even
wanted to wayfare
yet - the peregrinations
of Queen Mab's fairy dust
in which I desire to partake -
how deep I dream
is the hold she has over me.
Trotting with my fellow companion
half of the globe virtually
will never stop my wanderlust
Even though I may not see all
I call upon Dr. Faust's
devilish curious enterprise
riding into the sunset
with my desire to explore
intact, implicit or explicit.

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