Thursday, March 04, 2010

Don't sweat the tiny stuff!

Somewhere friends are having lunch
outside on their terrace
while I am still huddling inside
due to chills and snow
somewhere my grand kids are frolicking
outside in the strong sun
while I am freezing and sneezing
because of winter's embrace.
Somewhere a friend is fighting
liver cancer and having chemo
whereas I am complaining of
the eternal sinus infection
realizing that I of course
am a lucky bastard with nothing,
but small stuff to worry about
when a friend is battling death!
I think of her beauty and joy
when walking across the fields
and meadows - knowing all her flowers
and anger raises in me asking why??
My thoughts follow her deeply
yet, I have to write her telling her
that she touches my life so
she does not know how I think
of her obvious gorgeous smile.
Sometimes you meet a person
whom you instantaneously like
I see her one New Year's eve
at our dinner table, gentle,
composed, resting in herself -
I sincerely hope she can battle
calmly, composedly, connecting
herself with her inner strength
and enjoy every day of her life
surrounded by those who love her.
Isn't that what life is all about?

To Carol

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