Saturday, June 12, 2021


A conversation I will not have
with my firstborn - ere I know my death
you were born of love
your father could not beat his genes
can you?

(An aside
Even I have a love for alcohol
but I stop ever so often once or twice 
a year for a month and my need is nothing
I drink socially
In our culture and in yours it is the norm
 a rather heavily love for the numbing flood)

you have three children - they see stuff
even though your wife also imbibes
she can hold it - whereas you seem to not
get help son of mine -- now -- not later

I know you have other devils
within your body spirit mind
PTSD is not something to ignore
Of love comes life and sadness 
joy created by endorphins
you cannot not try and get help
please...son of mine... I have a picture
embossed in my mind's eye
you on the changing table 5 months old
scared of a drunk person who loved you
but could not be lived with
are you heading in that direction?

Then when your firstborn had arrived 
you were so enamored by him
two more children and then your defenses
became tired worn out - and you are still young
been through a hell of a lot - 
but we all have  and we try our best - most of the time
Urging you from this side of the grave
it is not too late -- yet...

Get help!

Your answer is in the wind  -warm - violent 
will I ever know?

1 comment:

Elencalime said...

Hadn’t looked at your blog for a while. Worried
to see this. I remember writing him a note years
ago about mutant dopamine receptors in Danish
people but he never answered. I do hope he
decides to address this issue. And I hope his
kids didn’t inherit the gene. It would be good for
the kids to have the example of an alcohol-free
home, if they can’t set the harder example of a
moderate-use household. It is a real genetic
disease just like hypercholesterolemia or
diabetes. Sadly, there are no really good drugs
for genetic alcoholism.