Friday, November 06, 2020

My waiting for Godot???

I plunged into
the miasma
on November third

a few days later
had not thought
but got hit by

November fifth
yester morn
how could I have
forgotten my dad's
day of death 
and my uncle's  ditto
on the third -
an my mom's demise
as well on the fifth

years later -
a long time ago
and here I was
waiting for a shift

in rescuing democracy
wish it to come sooner
or it may not
so I am waiting like
Vlad and Estrag
for a result that
will come - process
questioned when
it should not be

inquiring neither
should my parents'
deaths on the same day
twenty eight years apart
the strange way of
when my mother's
last days were odd and
I knew that she might
die on the same dawn
into dark at the same hour,
my dad did not wait
for Godot to arrive
like this old drama

flipping the odds that
one day I might
die on this weird 
Gunpowder Plot date
to another lightening
morning awaits democracy
or demise thereof 
it gives me hope 

the election and death
of equality and darkness
intervals of doubt 
or clapping the hands
waving away the crucial
wait for Godot 

and we all do it.....

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