Friday, October 19, 2018

Hardened beliefs systems

Change of citizenship?
Can't be done
Why you ask?
Just because!

Why not? you may ask!
I cannot change
where I was born
and bred!

Other people do it.
Why not you?
It is a belief -
No discussion!

But I insist though!?!
You can insist
but have you ever

Anybody truly firm
in his/her system
of ideas and
hopes and whatnots?

You - a repub or a demo?
why do you ask?
Because I wanna change
the way ya think

Nope, ain't gonna do it
Why or why not?
Because I believe
in what it is - isn't

So you can change
can't you  - truly?
You cannot convince
me about anything!!

You believe in G'd
or the likes thereof
May I tell you
there's a better way

Nope, you cannot
overwhelm me so
expecting me
to believe whomever

I refuse even to hear
what you say
cause you cannot
convince me

You can change?
Of course I can change
I am as open as
are you to ideas?

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