Friday, December 21, 2012

A woman I knew

Everything happens
for a reason - sometimes -
but this time it was
to hear about somebody's death
at a Christmas party.

A neighbor who loved
her husband, her children,
life and people,
was generous and fun-loving
as well as a good cook
and taught my kids
to accept opera
when they came to her house.

Lillian - so many times
we have been to your home
you were our "second" grandma
and then you moved away
slowly being stalked by
Alzheimer's - staying
with your beloved daughter.

Tonight neighbors invited me
into your home - your kitchen
which you fought for
your lovely red ceiling
brightened it up - you said.
You were so vivid there
next to me - that I had
to seek solitude and quiet.

Wonderful delectable meals
you made for us and others -
you would have loved it tonight
kids all over - the home decked out
yet I remember Tom too.
You were completely devastated
when he died so (I think)
you planned to be with him
as soon as you could.

Thanks for lovely times
thank you for being you
with Pavarotti in the background
and Tony Bennets Christmas songs
I still picture you with
a spoon in the one hand
and a bonmots in the other
cheering life as it should be.

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