Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lies and history

Detecting lies
must be daunting
truths and realities
will come haunting.

White lies and bigger
ones like a whopper
the perpetrator are
distinctive as copper.

Truthiness  in life
is a necessary evil
though sometimes
you may not believe it.

For history to detect
what really went on
possibly cutting through
the bull - and then run

away to a different
dimension of the brain
twists and mindsets
of the individual sane

what is wrong what is right
is always telling the truth
as brilliant as gold
or the story goes kaput?

Many a historian postulates
mendacity found later
improves since lies at the time
denotes a high indicator

So can we detect lies
as clear as a day in May?
No, unless the microsecond
of untruth's man betrays.

Hitler's act at Munich
displayed  a schtick
for Chamberlin to
fall totally for his trick.

On reading about Lies and how to detect them

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