Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Over and over and over again

A strange interlude
in an airport -
a young kid of barely 20
was describing how
in Pittsburgh of all places
she got picked up
by a photographer
jump starting her career.
She was in awe of
his positions - his house
his manners in which
she got accustomed.
From the gossip on the Net
it does now tell me
the more sordid details
of the affair.
She regrets it....
Alas, when the world is
gone - then humans will learn.

1 comment:

Vicki said...


I read them all and liked them. Your poetry is transparent and pure. They are clear. The feelings you are expressing remind me often of my own (universal?).
I have one question regarding this particular poem: did you really mean "accustomed," or "accosted"?
