Sunday, July 25, 2010

Languedoc Brotherhood of Wine

Medieval brotherhoods
(with sisters in between)
sanctioned by the church
for the good of the wine
Bacchus even mentioned
from the Catholic pulpit.
The ancient Dionysian rites
to the wine-tasting of now
urge to drink it
(albeit in moderation)
ever so often to imbibe
(just do not drive).
Paganism invested in believers
a conviction of un-principles
mixed with cheer joy
a return to the wedding at Cana
a celebration of every day
as if it were your last
in an absolute mixture of
costumes and vivid colors.
From old to newly created fellowships
with only one common goal:
Ye drink the noble wine
of the grapes of Languedoc,
once mediocre and common
(filling the everyday need
for at least two centuries)
now becoming a new old classic
and branding them smartly
with trickling your palates.
The smells of the garrigues'
lavender, poppies and rosemary
compete on the world's stage.
Such a vision of wisdom
was given to-day in an aura
of solidarity for the content
of your well-being combined
with the marketing and viva voce
of unique feeling of sense.
When a good wine enters
first the smell, the taste,
the fine texture of the aroma
filling the nostrils and mouth
until finally gently elegantly
disappears down the throat
leaving a response of awe.
Such is the true kinetic kinship
in colors of white, red, and rose.

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