Saturday, September 09, 2006

Sibylla and her children

Far away in a distant land
was a wise old woman

She was known as Sibylla
she lived in her villa.

Her daughters were fair
they had gorgeous long hair

Her sons grew potatoes
and lots of tomatoes.

Her man was dead and gone
she sang him a swansong.

Sibylla was a clever witch
whose brew did the trick

She imposed her skill only
on the sad and very lonely

If you drank her special brew
hemlock with added bamboo

Your dreams would enhance
giving you the only chance

Transform your blunt desires
into maddening wildfires

Sibylla has an ability so bold
to metamorp your soul

The witch is a dream of strength
I wonder to which length

her children would wander
to wrest the power asunder

Time is benevolent to the young
Sibylla's children will be strong

to master her forte and crafts
but like her they will draft

their lives and our dreams
almost from scratch it seems

cause each lonely soul must build
on old times - Sibylla - your yield.

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