Wednesday, October 05, 2022

My outer-worldly friend - invite me once more

Whenever I returned from my happy place
to this outpost of the universe
you invited me for more than 35 years
to eat and chat and into your embrace
and I expected you to do this year too

Our mutual longing for the "other world"
even though our families in the beginning
were here - we  felt like outsiders -
we shared our experiences  before kids
what we did when we were young

Our communal love for art, books, music,
discussions, life - you had your share 
of sorrows - I had mine - how could we not
after all this time - some would say 
a lifetime - or  just a half  of one

Your pride in your family and your kids
are unmatched - their accomplishments
you shared with joy in your eyes - united
you and your husband - you adored him
but you probably had fights too

You became an Ulpan teacher over here 
your group lasted for more than 2 decades
you taught kids to go to their bar/bat mitzvah
your curiosity of your ancestral religion
intrigued me and I learned from you

We as women in the American diaspora
you from Israel and me from Denmark
wanting always to flee this odd place
even though our lives were easy - yet
I wish you were still welcoming me

At your dinner table with Danish decor
and your lovely cooking - Mediterranean
first a drink with your hors d'oeuvres 
then surely a soup created in your kitchen
a fish and a light dessert - lovingly planned

At the end of the evening at the coffee
debates flew wild - mostly between me 
and your hubby while mine and you
watched our sparring matches -  
words of female wisdom  you prompted

Oh my outer-worldly-friend - Mali
of course I reciprocated because that's
what Europeans do - not Americans
maybe that's why we felt a closeness
I wish you could invite me again

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