Monday, January 10, 2022

A man afar

A man afar - all in flesh not
reddish hues and then some blues
the wherewithal of shattered dreams
fulfilled by oddities and gnats
how can this be my dream?

Hubby will not have sex
I have been dry for umpteen time
so that's why it is a distant reality
- with or without carnality -
that I go on gossamer winged Pegasus

a man afar - in flesh I wish
a difficult and condemned desire
what everyone else will say
but - when men take a mistress
of their wives' lack of drive

That is ok - not for a second
would anyone condemn thus -
whereas if a lady in suburbia
is in need of sex and love
that is a nono - from the pope

from lose friends to the friendly foes
I have no shame - no hang-ups
just a mental image of again
be where I belong in a lover's bed
and getting laid just like that


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