Tuesday, December 08, 2020

The roles

The roles of our lives if we live that long
egg child adolescent adult senior - corpse
so an ovum takes on a sperm and evolves
into a child - babyhood - toddler - a kid
and then the biology kicks in - an ado
with all of the sexual complications
until at the middle of the twenties
one can feel semi-normal whatever or not
during adulthood you have ups- downs
all around and depending on your
economic status never truly static
because life isn't - that kind of smooth ride
for most - the one percent eliminated
and then the rest of us rich to poor
have the same fuss over love and unlove
whether trans bi hetero gay or lesbian
or the varieties in between - alas
rare have anyone had nothing to worry about
or if an occasionally so - he or she creates
problems of a minor to a major
But our roles of babies to old fogies
can change within a moment from 
one to the next company we keep or alone
humans are adaptable but frail 
and sometimes the weak or the strongest
there is not true role for the actor
we are reactors of our environment
heading into an accident - a reunion
the biology of the human will react
either bodily or with feelings - 
bleeding for boozing or dragging 
ourselves down or perhaps up the ante
it doesn't matter - we - people of the world -
will be a perpetual drop of humanity
hate love frustration obsession with colors
of all kinds and the sounding board 
around us called nature will react
to our stupidity and our unthoughtful ways 
so that one day tis world as we so call it
will vanish when our great great great
grandchildren are gone - they are away
we are away and the Gaia shakes herself
and starts humming and swinging again.  

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