Thursday, August 27, 2020

A free dystopia of today

Dismay at the turn 
of the underlying
hatred and bigotry
of the presumed
free and great country
It is neither free
nor great - it  only
pretends - lying 
and cheating is
the name of the game
the more you can
get the other down
the better - a bitter
non- reconciliation 
A land - where
the one percent owns
more than 75 percent
and the 99 share
25 percent - numbers speak!
No health care for all
and abortions laws are
tightening in states
and guns are being
used daily in the name
of the right to bear arms
A nation where 
a two party system
works - not -
felons who have  
done their duty in jail
cannot vote -
redrawing boundaries
the postal service
to be meddled with
A state where you keep
mind control of masses
by keeping the television
on 24/7 - no time
to think for one self
let alone be curious
as to why - how -when
where and especially who
A kingdom where
sexes - colors - races
are divided and put against
each other in subtle ways
and the information
is being curbed - by
quietly silencing 
the vigilant observers
who try their best
and keep on harping
that life on this island
is not what it should be
but a non-functioning
dystopia of a magnitude
in the name of a free
and functioning society. 

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