Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Existential seeking soul??? Ha!

Blather about yourself
tell what you are about
talk about your dreams
or even your nightmares

Where were you born
what language speakest thou
which segment are you affiliated
or where do you see your soul

Questions rain/reign within/out
a person's self esteem
or sense of self will be
coming from deep state

Can you truly know thyself
will you trust your reactions
when sometimes you im/explode
for unknown dark reasons

Will you ever be the person
you want to portray - a portrait
a steel individual - just right
and no cracks - whatsoever

Will you be the sad portrayal
of an olde woman's skeleton
of a bunch of experiences
leading to absolute nowhere

Or will you go screaming
bloody murder to the grave
wearing your birthing wrinkles
laughing of yourself/world

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