Thursday, October 31, 2019

Un message un matin

Un message ce matin
d'un grand sourire putain
voila commence un jour
vif que devrait se montrer
aujourd'hui va tout passer
dans le trou aux alentours
le bonheur de reception
vaut bien plus de reflexion
je m'abandonne tout a fait
acceptant l'esprit parfait.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Existential seeking soul??? Ha!

Blather about yourself
tell what you are about
talk about your dreams
or even your nightmares

Where were you born
what language speakest thou
which segment are you affiliated
or where do you see your soul

Questions rain/reign within/out
a person's self esteem
or sense of self will be
coming from deep state

Can you truly know thyself
will you trust your reactions
when sometimes you im/explode
for unknown dark reasons

Will you ever be the person
you want to portray - a portrait
a steel individual - just right
and no cracks - whatsoever

Will you be the sad portrayal
of an olde woman's skeleton
of a bunch of experiences
leading to absolute nowhere

Or will you go screaming
bloody murder to the grave
wearing your birthing wrinkles
laughing of yourself/world

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

I lost what??

A fleeting thought
Of insightful idea
Vanished from
My addled brain
And the wave
Did not return
Leaving me
To mourn greatly
My lost genius!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Une tonelle

La vie court trop vite
sans que qu'on se rende compte

Elle passa la jeunesse
d'une fille très insécure

Ses années vingts pardi
un peu confuse et bouleversée

La trentaine trois enfants
deux hommes - un pays nouveau

Les ans quarante fut vifs
les enfants et la perte d'une mère

Cinquante encore des enfants
et un rêve réalisé

Ses années soixante la maison
et ses amis ailleurs brûlent

Soixante dixième encore
travail et les petits phantasmes

Une vie d'une femme
mère et grand-mère, jeune encore

Mais un jour je tombe
dans une tombe d'outre-tombe

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Who am I not

I am not a Catherine the Great
as I do not rule, Russia or even my own life
I am not Virginia Woolf
a fab writer who formed words and changed
the way one could express
not even an Elisabeth Cady Stanton
waving the feminist flag
or Gloria Steinem from my period
I am not a Hillary Clinton
nor am I a Ruth Bader Ginsburg
but who I am is something
uniquely human - just
like any other woman
trying to live true to my sex and my needs
 - they are not yet met....

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Change from??

Change is in the air
from where
I do not know
but it is coming

Maybe it is I
who is channelling
some other wipes
going up / down

Change is here
now and feeling
it so strongly
the air carries me ???

Monday, October 14, 2019

Searching for ideas to write a praise

A fun mensch turns 80
known for 10ish plus
what is he like?
this bloke - weighty
in all sorts of ways
a charmer - a teacher
a father and granddad
like most- a potpourri
a great cook - transcends
whatever you want
he is the hubby
of my summer friend
a good deed's lion
of helping people
in need and life
you are my - sir Brian!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Old bodies

Old buddies
teeth clanking
breast sagging
midrif bulging
thighs wiggling
vulva descending
toes ingrowing
old body declining

But my old body
have served me
somehow - well
and I am grateful
alas too late
I now start to take care
and appreciate
my old buddies.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Sadness of the wren

Political quagmire
In a « democracy «
Is a true nightmare
With a » demagoguery «
You cannot find
Truth of any kind
From « honest » men
Who existed then.
Scattered dreams
Of public mistrust
Scream from seams
Enough stop enough
Hopelessly blind
To people’s whine
Of helplessness’ ken
The song of a wren.

Saturday, October 05, 2019

poetry - what?

Stood in a museum store
looked at poetry books
to buy - maybe
yes there were many
wonderful ones
and they talked about
existences yours
and surely mine

Stood there in wonder
realizing that here
on this blog
I also write some kind
of thoughts
whether labelling mine
or others poets
it is you to slam

Stood in a place for
culture anywhere
knowing in my heart
that my thoughts are
not less than yours
not more either
they just have not
been published
yet : just here