Thursday, November 29, 2018

Shall I Dance

Shall I swing
With a dreamy dancer
Swirl in a dancing dream
One day with
A steamy cavalier
Who has both both
The footwork and rhythm
So swaying becomes
The actual path
To Nirvana embracing
Endless fathomic hope

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Need for sugar - alas a battle not won

Sweet tooth - oh please
I last until after dinner
but then ...I succumb
to needing the sugar
the chocolate - the licorice

Strange because during
the day my mind is onto
life in general - but come
evening tide and darkness
the lure of comfort:

succulent rhum of cane
of my feverish brain
to become my bane
of my fight in vain
hubby  - go to the store -again

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Hour glass' counts

Yawning before bedtime
seeing somebody gaping
before work today
will be the sign of a boring
slightly forgettable interval
tomorrow shall be filled
with seconds, minutes, hours
of remembering to live
instead of just exist and breathe
because the hour glass
shreds its sand and it runs
faster and faster
and soon enough one day
its gliding small specks
will have stopped running
since its upper chamber
has emptied itself of
non-perpetual motion

Monday, November 26, 2018

Pain gain?

Shoes that you know
you should not wear
you do in spite of
health  and comfort
you do it to send a
strong message
here I am - today
I am a professional!
What a pro of what
of pain and in vain
Nobody is looking
at you - kiddo
you are a keyner
Old and irrelevant
But I do it for me
to portray a role
of someone of
somewhat importance
once upon a time
Get off your heels
A waste of pain!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Controlling what?

For umpteenth time
Will humanity not learn
That war and strife creates
Havoc and mayhem
At the moment only locally
These kerfluffles are
A mean to keep
The wheels going
And tyrants and spheres
Dreaming of more
Or at least status quo
The little people suffering
Do not bother them on iota
The world is complicated
And what goes on in
The back rooms of
Kremlin - White House -
In Beijing or elsewhere
We will maybe know
In 50 years time then
It will be too late
And another greater war
Of ressources and climate
Would have taken place

Friday, November 23, 2018

Name your price?

Who is up for sale?
The US and who else?
Poland or Greece,
Turkey, Saudi Arabia?
Russia and China are buying!
Who is flirting with
autocracy or strongmen?
Brazil, and the rest?
Dangerous tendencies
Of  mediocrity and fear
And not to be despised
Human stupidity and angst
The bystander’s effect.
Poor democracy and its price
For freedom now is
Complacently too low!

Jalousie - même

Jalousie existe au fond des gens
qui aiment violemment et  trop
qui veulent avoir pour eux
les sentiments totals de l'aimé
sans regard pour l'autrui et soi
mais de temps en temps même
dans les gens qui sont sans ire
elle se monte à cause de l'envie
et là c'est à la vexation pour moi.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Point to point

A pointisettia
Set in a pot
filled with joy
Is the point

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Recipe for Turkey day???

Got a recipe
something new
gotta try it
not a difficult brew
just for everybody to taste
so I should be careful
not in haste
and actually follow
the directions
if I do not then
accuse me of
Bon Appetite to everyone
trying this new
wonderful concoction
this day and age
it is filled with
special toxins!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

to the young maidens in awe

Red orangey lips
Trembling tempting
You beyond ecstasy
Your libido rising
Risking nothing
Because you’re in
Power - playmate
Your so called partner
Young maybe in awe
Or just enthralled
You irresistible male
To their soul’s dream
Their phantom’ lover
Only for you chance
Of not being found out
And for them  a life
In bitterness and self- rebuke.

Monday, November 19, 2018


Overalt finder en ordsmed
(direkte oversat - javel)
ideer til en ideologi
eller en kønsutopi
som nu da jeg sad
og kedede mig og læste
Huffington Post paa tysk
"dieses Wort diskriminiert
Fraun" af dr. Gunda Windmueller

Schamlippen - er den officiøse term
og det er paa tysk og paa dansk
og ja hun har ret den kloge kvinde!

Hvor er skammen om vulvaen
er det en synd at have en kusse?
Et kønsbegreb som jo bare
fortæller et hvilketsomhelst menneske
at der er en skam at havldelen
af jorden befolking har nogle sådanne
smukke - funktionelle kønsdele!

Hun og dermed ogsaa denne poet
vil herefterdags kalde dem
ved deres rette navn: vulvalæber

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Back to normal

Back to normal whatever it may be
on a Saturday noon tide -
sitting wondering what will happen
I do not know - but my guess
is to eat a lunch quietly while pondering
and musing slowly - if retirement
is like this - I'd rather hit a fit!
So back to normal crazy like
move - body and soul
for if not I shall surely die.

Help I needed a poem - yesterday

what woman would not like a hat
to top off her outfit like that
so that's what I did a Friday night
and oh what a crazy sight

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Whiskey tango foxtrot

Whiskey tango foxtrot
wonderful military alphabet

Oscar Mike is on the move
dancing tango in the street

our commander-in-chief
is an oxygen thief

and clusterfucking the US
I am gonna rack out

so repeat the first line


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

cold à la dr. Seuss

Modus vivendi à la snot
A nose from which I cannot
Breathe even lightly
So my choice diminished
Of speaking while blocked
Remains - and that’s enough!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Mystiske møder

En nordmands møde med en dansker  i Paris
en sommeraftensstund
et skæbnespift fra virkelighedens verden
en sommereftermiddagsblund
sådan cirka tooghalvtres år senere
i en fransk have - er der en grund?

Et sted i USA en aften for mange år siden
en efterårsmiddagsinvitation
faldt jeg over et dame som var friet til
i københavns  levende circulation
en ekssamlevers paramour og sådan
er en sammentræftsapplikation

De pudsige snublen over  fæ og folk for foden
er som runde perler i østersskal
hvem ved hvad dagen bringer imorgen
et sammensurium eller et fald
så længe jeg er levende og siger pip
er nysgerrigheden min katedral.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Mon spectre de novembre

Je te perds de temps en temps
dans la brume de novembre
tu es là dans ma chambre
dans mon cerveau brulant
mes sentiments restent encore
mon homme je t'adore
mon spectre d'été permanent

Dog’s Christmas story in November

My small Tuscan hamlet
the Christmas Eve
My owner walks to the might mass
I sniff
Every stone every tree and pine cone
All over the smells
from holiday cooking
are totally divine

We enter the church
My mistress crosses herself
From the water bowl
Always meant to ask
Why the fountain was so high
When really it should be
a dog's water dish

I lie down but the priest
starts to preach
mumbles and squeaks
his voice is droning

I start to close my eyes
But about half an hour
Into the performance
The holy man starts to give
Out wafers during
The Eucharist

About twenty souls to get
The month old dried round
Tough dull biscuit

Alas  I was the only one who
Did not receive the hardtack
And would have liked it

Sniffing I look pleadingly
At mistress Giovanna
when she sits down
She mumbles something
About her teeth and slowly
brings out  half of a gnawed cracker
and on the sly drops it
motioning me to not get excited

praised be St Francis

(Inspired by David Zee's story)

Sunday, November 11, 2018

In retrospective

A sentence in the newspaper
Struck me this morning
On this eleven eleven a hundred
Someone in an army hospital
Gassed but recovering
Swore that if he got out
He would revenge the abasement
Alas Adolph did just that.
The case point is as follows
History knows not how or where
It meets The Who
whose ego has been traumatized
And is in line with
Evil and sad forces of man’s
Brushed off tenderness for
Fatherland and search
For power over others
But given the same kinds
Of political climates or
Hatred of feeling hemmed in
Or being snubbed by society
The time and place
Will come once more.

Inspired by Michael E. Ruane’s
The day the guns fell silent. Washington Post

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Daily darkness constitutional

Dog walking aka
a daily darkness constitutional
sniffing dog
November duskiness
stiffing woman
a darkened daily constitutional


Dystopia causes dyspepsia
more than once

either you mollycoddle
or you underindulge

the pain becomes dulled
your worst nightmare

and you accept your fate

Thursday, November 08, 2018

après moi

Après moi le déluge
Louis XV a dit
Dans son splendeur royale
Après moi le délire
Le 45 a expliqué
Dans son grandeur illusoire
Les mots trahissent les acteurs
Et les spectateurs applaudissent.

hellish and heavenly

The wages of sin
Are coming to haunt
You - sinners-
Deserve death
According to Paul
Heaven help the believers
Hell awaits you
What more ?

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Les pensees errantes

Les pensees de mes envies
sont secretes et vivantes
et des fois elles courent
comme des foumis errantes
sans que je puisse les
controller ou les tenter
de rendre hommage
a la sagesse augmentee.
Car dans la folie individuelle
il reste un peu de betise
un jugement de plasticite
ainsi qu'une confiance exquise.

Monday, November 05, 2018

History according to me

Power, money, sex, control of others and religion
then you have made the world's history books
nothing more nothing less

take the Egyptians - power of pharaoh
golden tombs - marrying sisters and brothers
slaves or freemen toiling for years to build
monumentos monuments
oh and the pharaoh was the god

want to talk about the Greeks
apart from 10 years of democracy
it was city state versus city state - slaves -
sex - the women did not have a lot of power
(yes there are exceptions)
control of others and the Gods were doing
their own thing mimicking the citizens
of the polis

The Romans had power, had money,
devised a thing about the females should
not be free - hence the Roman family structure
slaves, of course,  control the  gods and then
came the belief from the East about
only one God....

The Holy Roman Empire and before that
the Celts - the Picts  - the Vikings
again why did they go and plunder
Money - Power - needs of the tribes -
add slave and use of women for sex
plus the beginning of the Catholic faith
ending during the Napoleonic Wars

Let's not forget Persia and the Asian Steppes
as well as closed China -
Tribes moves or get closed in - powers
hungry - insurgency we need food - money
oh and slaves to do do some work,
if not slaves - then women,
different gods but still used for the powerhungry

Tribal wars in Africa and in the Americas
needing feed for the people - money -
power - sex -and slaves and religions that follow the kings
or sometimes the kings (and queens on rare occasions)
are the gods themselves

Moving happily along up the history's path
to more modern "civilized" times
The Islamic world of yesteryear
anything different than power, money,
sex, and control especially over the minds

Japan with its shogunate for about 700 years
of power in one man almost godlike
dictatorship  - land belonging to the emperor
 - slaves ( peasants)- sex scandals (geishas)
control of their own - piracy of undesirables
tolerated to make life difficult for China and Korea

Let's see - well Russia - serfs -czars-
Catherina - up until the last emperor
power money sex control religious
need I mention scandals galore

What about the Papacy - a state within a state
murder and mayhem - selling of cardinalships
collection of tithes - control of the minds
and bodies of clerics and nuns - power
over  vast lands and yet so small a state

The renaissance - let's see any thing but
power, sex, money, control and curiosity
about the world and how it is screwed together
however it is done with Medici money
power murder and sex stories plus religion

The reformation - power over minds
Calvin - money non olet - therefore the Swiss
seriousness and banking beginnings
is about power, money, sex due to control
of the women's role - a belief

The British and the Dutch and the French
empires of the 15-19 centuries - same old story
with regional variations of money or lack thereof
power, sex and control - sometimes
pretending the religious wars to be something holy
for instance Napoleon who started out as a corporal
and ended as crowning himself as emperor

The Russian version of fascism - communism
the Italian ditto with the Spanish Francoism
and then of course the archetype of dictatorship
Hitlerism all these after the first World war
was the epitome of power and control
leading to the second world war and killing
millions and millions of Jews and others
just for control and power and a belief system
of superiority and hate of otherness.

Leading to the US of Trumpism whereby
in a democracy you can have fascism growing
slowly but truly because of the people's
need for money, power, sex and mind control .

Sunday, November 04, 2018

You never know

You never know
what comes out
when sitting down to type
a gripe a sin
a hype a fling
a term totally unripe
just floats about
be friend or foe


My screens are down
the sun is up and glaring
November coolness
will forever be airing
and I must go out
and  heal my swearing:
votes and lack thereof
cause it is so despairing

Friday, November 02, 2018

Lost the thread

Lost the thread
lost the thread

Lost the gist
lost it completely

Lost the marble
not  found

lost the way
lost it to another

Lost the thread
and never found it
within me

Thursday, November 01, 2018

New window

A window of change
a change of window
no more howling wind
a winding howl or more
So the change is good
the goods have changed.
A warm window with double pane
no more cold pains from a window!