Thursday, February 15, 2018

Burying my head under the wings of the Renaissance

You winged spirit of yore
help me just once more
so I can fly truly away
forget about the every day
the beauty I shall encounter
the horse that wasn't saunter’d
but can I ride it anyway
to pick my dreams galore

Pegasus your wondrous beast
where in the Roman forum a feast
of Renaissance men did you find
the ones that came after were blind
to aesthetics of smooth order
specially now with all slaughter
so my request has been declined
you existed - you were my yeast

Of Leonardo's horse I betray
my thoughts of riding astray
away now on gossamer wings
to lala land or just a fling
holding onto your manly mane
sensual figure with a brain
a woman's grip onto a swing
my ride will be just a play.

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