Monday, April 10, 2017

Squares and circles' quip

A marriage of a square and a circle
is a geometric problem
that sometimes is hard to solve.
Is the circle encompassing
the smaller square
is the square embracing the little circle?
In a structural couplehood
you may find concord
and sometimes the shapes
are incongruent with each other
whether you are a square or a circle
it is a vital vivacious trait
that you balance off the scales
when you are weighing
your options for solutions
you find a rectangle to have a circle
or the oval to have a triangle
which totally nixes the balance
in a harmonious  entity
due to subconscious jealousy
anything to do with forms
of mathematical geometry
but with lofty strange schemes
that somehow end up being
encircled  and outsquared.

For Mali

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