Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday me

The newer

By Michael

A fathom of

Still hiding
The I

The Middle aged

But it is human
My friend

On a Friday
No one minds

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Tout un coup

Le silence et tout un coup
le temps du passé
n'était plus l'heure tardive
plus que je l'ignore
une vieille chanson de geste
plus qu'il m'admire
l'ironie - qu'elle est belle!
Suis-je si foutue
que je ne le comprends pas?
Les êtres sont absurdes
des connards complets.
Naturellement c'est un jeu
la tentation sans effort
est comme celle d"Antoine.
La Volupté pour elle
est mon bût extraordinaire.
Sans quoi je vais jouer -
me retourner vers l'homme
seulement pour moi.

An apostrophe's challenge

The poetess' challenge
won't stop her writing
in the apostrophe's employ.
Everlasting's a time
for the arousal's gambit
of trying to destroy't
in a poem's full lines
however ne'er say ne'er
of the theme's hoi polloi.

For Madison

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Afib in my heart
sets me apart
from the old me
Coffee or wine
I shall for it pine
for the old she
Did I do wrong
or was it a strong
heirship from thee
whether mother
or surely father
couldn't it foresee.
Afib you are here
not going anywhere
you are my flea.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Sene nattestrøtanker

Endnu en sen stund
Med biderem i mund
Søvnen mig fejler
Tænksom sidder jeg
På sengens sidespejl
Nægtet nattens sejler
Min ensomme våge
Er isens kolde tåge
En Dødens krejler
Der leger kispus
I et individs hus
En kat som pejler
For at finde et emne
Til lucifers gemme
Måske den mig negler.

Silencio est nomen meum

Mine name is silence
yet I shall not be silent
I shall and will scream
Hellish Bullish Womanish
No more will I tolerate
any human's ignorance
just not yet will I yell
Bullish Womanish Hellish
Alas my frustration
with men's aberrations
hollering wholeheartedly
Womanish, Hellish, Bullish
In my own sad interior.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Dead affair

Bluish lips
purple arms
orange lips
tanned arms
warm pumps
cooler lips
stiffened arms
just dumped.

Saturday, April 22, 2017


Worrywarts are
the bells on a mouse,
where can you find
a lice and a grouse?
Behind a rainbow
or a brusselsprout's
green leaf clover?
In a dog's stakeout
or somewhere else,
that is on the route
to mayhem's murder.
For worries I doubt
that they can be killed
warts will sprout.

Friday, April 21, 2017

quid est?

What is my desire
for Pan's ancient lyre
where would I him find
a musical mind
being realistic
I'm going ballistic
to not be fulfilled.
Yet strongwilled
with an imagery
sans affinity
for other than truth
forsworn is my sooth
except the heart's notes
applauding wild oats
then the true real world
once come dis/unfurled
but still I plot on
I shall not be done
until the poem ends
my most trusted friend.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

In tandem

Women friends
close and tight
in happy
and after
the colon-
alas in
Women friends
work and fight
in one week.

To Celia and Judy

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A moment's relaxation

A work-over of body
grabbed my attention -
but I could not relax
even on the bench
later today out walking
further on the trail
the olde bones lightened
the gait became easier.
Now sitting at my desk
the massage of me
loosened to lose.

Rose haiku

Rêves en rose
un cauchemar ancien perdu
les fleurs éblouissants

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

En udendansk!

Gyldne for kød - et citat fra
en gammel Grundtvigtiansk sang
noget om kærlighed til gud
og dagligdagen i hans navn
Sølvets æteriske måne
en kvindelig fordums nattedans
noget om latteren og  livet
og humoren i hendes favn.
Bronzeret er trods alt
kulturen og alt dens væsen
noget om jordens sunde sans
og klodens naturlige gavn.

Monday, April 17, 2017

The voelva's stream

Vigga the Voelva was wired
seldom she had walked weirdly
as she did today - down
near the bustling brook
introspectively immersed
in her own ideas of womanhood.
Why was life so eerily eccentric
and not plain straight forward?
Why must everything be
fought firebrandedly for?
The voelva just stared straight
at the waters wondrously streaming
stoically  and forever finding
new puzzles and pounding drops
driven by nature's notes of perfection
yes it was spring and she needed
to stop her blues' brooding.
If this year was going to be her last
then she would applaud the amazing
mother lode of  all mortals.
Her steps stopped their warily walk
as she lifted her head high
Vigga the Voelva was willing
to face her final fate afresh.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

To the bloggers -

If I had not been bored
about ten years ago
I would not have found out
to write a blog-to-show
what I felt instantaneously
with a bang and a blow
whether it was boring
or just for me a bow
like amor's to psyche's
shooting my arrows
of  everyday and not
of thoughts gung-ho
being grateful for that
not in the looney's woe
keeping quietly sane
wickedly not mellow
but feistily fighting
for my brain's dildo
of desiring to create
something of mine
until I am down below.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Doomsdays are coming

What if tomorrow never comes
if I never see my kids again
what if I do not see the blue skies
if I never listen to music again
would my world go under
would big ben not strike one
would the kids even mourn

What if tomorrow never opens
if the sky falls down and drowns
what if the nature decides to drop
if it sneers - I am out of here
would its children then understand
would the flood be there to quell
would its woodland just dwell
Bang bang

What if tomorrow never is
if the globe disintegrates and plops
what if it cannot see it but its ashes
if only all the earth is gone
would anybody care
would the moon bother
would a black hole invite
Boum Boum Boum

Friday, April 14, 2017

One day in April

Walking on the golf course
your eyes tearing
your nose dripping
cling says the club
hitting the ball
on a spring day in April.
Not having played
for three whole years
a little weird in place
to even be able to hit
and miss some of the shots.
But - the glorious
wondrous feeling of
hay fever sniffingly
addressing the globe -
a stroll on the golf course.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Frühling haiku

Erste Löwenzahn
Die Spinne des Girlande
Tränen der Webe.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Remembering a summer's concert

In a country church
a youngish pianist
played Debussy
but tonight not Ravel
his Chopin pieces
were chapeautivating
the way Rachmaninov
was trembled
showed - not off.
Wondering what
you were doing
in a little place like this
When you were
destined for concert halls?
Just listening
to the notes from your fingers
and your brain's vibrato
was a thrill on a
summer's night.

For Conrad Wilkinson

Warten im Parkplatz

Eva Im Paradis
Von Wagner
Ach entfernt
wie das Mädchen.
Da bin ich nicht
Aber in eines Vorort
mit nichts zu tun.
Die Muse des Parnass
ach ja, wäre es so
aber sondern nicht,
denn die Autos heute
sind ohne Poesie;
nur die alte Welt
von Gestern mit
Humanität  und Sang
gibt mir
Paradies und Parnass  

Richard Wagner zum Danken und Entschüldigen

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Virtue is choked with foul ambition. Shakespeare Henry VI

A dirty word
for a woman
A naught phrase
for  a female
A hateful term
for a feminist
That's what
we are told
as womyn.

hides ambi

Find another
for a girl
Find a precise
for a "she"
Find another
of an "MS".

Viva ambition
for felinity
and femininity.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Squares and circles' quip

A marriage of a square and a circle
is a geometric problem
that sometimes is hard to solve.
Is the circle encompassing
the smaller square
is the square embracing the little circle?
In a structural couplehood
you may find concord
and sometimes the shapes
are incongruent with each other
whether you are a square or a circle
it is a vital vivacious trait
that you balance off the scales
when you are weighing
your options for solutions
you find a rectangle to have a circle
or the oval to have a triangle
which totally nixes the balance
in a harmonious  entity
due to subconscious jealousy
anything to do with forms
of mathematical geometry
but with lofty strange schemes
that somehow end up being
encircled  and outsquared.

For Mali

Sunday, April 09, 2017

Window's view

A  chimney outside
in beige brownish colors
stands tall and straight

A penis inside
in nude - skin colors
stands wobbly and weird

My window's view
on a Sunday morn
stands as a distant  memory.

Saturday, April 08, 2017

Mon fruit interdit

Dans le jardin d'Eden
il  y a un bel abre
Son tronc est vieux
mais beau quand même
sa cime assez fière.
Sur ce type de feuillu
il y a une pomme
elle m'est interdite.
Le pédoncule reste
dans mes pensées
pénétrées  d'un jour
où j'espère de goûter
sans rien d'autre
que savourer avec
volupté ou jouissance
mon fruit tabou.

Sunday, April 02, 2017

Bloody sweaty teary

Churchill: with determination
about the future he foresaw
no circumventing the burden
from Hitler's true menace
blood sweat and tears.
Europe broken by British fools
a roguish Russia in the play
an America whose leader
believes in alluring fairy tales
sweat blood and tears.
As a granny to three youngsters
(forgive me for being personal)
how will the world look
five years -ten years
tears sweat and blood
The world needs no wars
but on hunger, illness and hate
the economy, stupid, does
thrive on hostilities and fray
sweat, tears and bloody.