Sunday, July 03, 2011

A simple Sunday

Waking up to meet a friend
getting in a grand car
driving off to a village
with a market - on the early side

Putter around the stalls
buying veggies and an old book
sitting on a cafe in the shade
having a creme and a "noir".

Jumping into the car again
driving up the mountains
to the lands of my friend
with stunning views of the maquis.

Driving up to another ground
higher up with more of wild bushes
the smells of flower rosemary
lavender, thyme - earth.

Sadly deserted were the little huts
broken into many times
again driving away and down
to a big Sunday lunch.

The outside counrtyard was cozy
waiters hopping - and the meal
delightfully filling and French
with just two glass of wine.

Back to our own little crazy place
sitting outside his porch
reminiscing of days gone
and his sadness - lessening not.

Later in the eve he came at ate
a simple meal of the French
ratatouille and duck breast
a bottle of wine was shared.

Small-talked laughing listening
to musis opening to each other
that is what life should be like
and companionship of a chum.

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