Wednesday, July 27, 2011

St Sever du Moustier

Un tout petit village
dans les montagnes d'Aveyron
est fige sur ma memoire
depuis une lointaine seconde
car les chiens s'endorment
ici au milieu de la rue
le temps passe lentement
d'antan de la vie perdu
L'art y fleurisse apres tout
avec leur batiment insolite
et les danses a la folie
dans St Sever du Moustier.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Les visages

Les visages de mon village
ici dans le centre de Midi
parlent du petit patronage
comme le modus vivendi
de leur posterite assemblage
a l'ancienne chaque apres-midi.
Les vielles femmes sur le banc
disputent jusqu'au crepuscule
tous les terriens tires-au-flanc
et les hommes d'un groupuscule
sous les arbres epoustouflants
debattent les sports ejacules.
Chaque generation y trouve
avec veneration apres l'age sage
sans la jeunesse se reprouve
sa verite changeante temoinage
que les temps font profondes douves.

Simenon revisited

Le Monde has reissued
all Simenon's novels
know for Maigret of course
more importantly
I find his depictions
of life's sordid details
and fate's complete
brilliant - so underrated
his 20/20 view of man
clear - under the microscope
is a healthy reminder
that we are all flawed.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday haiku

Sunday rolls around
different breakfast awaits
tradition upheld

Friday, July 22, 2011

Reve passionne

des rêves passionnes
sans le vouloir embrasses
a travers le logique
ce aphrodisiaque
se montre plus fort
que jamais - je m'endort
avec un sourire
je veux transcrire
le sentiment entre
la rougeâtre encre
et mes vielles cuisses
brûlant comme en soixante-huit
la passion de l'etre
etant fortement le maitre
se fait au bout des doigts
l'appetit obeit la loi

Sprained ankle

Fell down, obviously-
took a ride in an ambulance
x-rays - no broken bones
just a sprained ankle.

Sitting on my hiney
not able to jump, run
or even walk pitifully -
and only with a broom.

Nice crutches but
they do not work
for me with weak
arm muscles - ahh.

Hence, this useless
inane idiotic verse
'bout a bruise and
the unwarranted rest.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A sprained ankle

As I sitting with my foot in the air
I try not to too much despair
of all the things that could have happened
this is a minor accident - saddened
that I cannot run around for a few days
only to grin of my stupidity's delays.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Work of memory

A memory gone

taste, smell, feel,
hear or see it again -
Magically it appears,
no control -
so just embrace
and face it.

Often times
it is hard work
to overcome obstacles
from childhood traumas
- and perhaps
you will not succeed

but you should always
try - cause you never know
that memory may bring
soothing closure
or horrible nightmares
but facing it

you own it -
it will not own you.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My bed

Getting my bedroom back
due to laying of tiles
painting the walls
I have been sleeping elsewhere
but soon - maybe tonight
I shall return to my "normal" bed.
Fugitives and homeless
never have their own proper cots.
Each sleeping place has its history
violence - happiness
sweat - tears - screaming
exstasy - plain calmness
playfulness - joining
two backs away from each other
kids crawling in wtih you
dogs cats and other critters
ubiquituous bedbugs and dustmites
so many going-ons in a bed.
Maybe I shouldn't dream
of going back into my cradle?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Des disques de Francine et Max

Hier soir j'ai recu un tresor
les rhytmes sont en quatuor
des chansons francaises
sans la marseillaise
mais des serenades d'antan
pas trop des poemes d'occitan.
Les notes font un coup de ventre
dans mon coeur et epicentre.
Leur esprit ardent rapelle
des temps de ma jeunesse
a la folie parisienne
une etudiante pas rebelle
dans les nuits d'ivresse
ma saison proustienne.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Des carreaux

L'homme de ma vie est sur ses genoux
pour mettre les carrelages dans notre chambre
chacun represente nos mois ensemble
c'est un gentil et travailleur epoux
qui s'obstient de faire le plus possible
d'une maniere calme et paisible;
par contre, sa femme est toujours emotive
les coins de ses dalles sont volitive.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Un cauchemar

Confusion a l'office du tourisme
la révolution en est la cause
et M. le Maire a stipule
que chacun devra avoir trois tickets
pour le repas du quatorze juillet
pour qu'il n'aurait pas des gens
qui se serviraient d'un dîner
gratuitement - horreur...
Tous les gens veuillent
être avec les amis et leur famille
900 tickets pour 300 personnes
et la confusion est complète
des erreurs des batailles
de la vie calme bouleversée
peut-etre il faut ajouter
des tables a manger
pour que tout le monde soient
contents - un problème a résoudre
un autre cauchemar....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

In search of .....?

Piling into the car
on the road to a winery
trata trata tah
Getting a taste
with bread and cheese
yumyum yumyum yuuum
a lunch under the tent
with - you guessed it - wine
ija ija ijee
A walk in a fete du vin
yielded not - tableau
oui oui oui oui - fini!

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Un soir au bord de l"Orb

Un ete - une soiree
Beziers au crepuscule
L'eglise St Nazaire
se place en funambule;
et a l'amphitheatre
la foule calme ecoute
en mangeant des crevettes,
du vin rose glougloute;
la musique jazz moderne
du flair des manouches
mon ame se baigne vif
tendre et farouche.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Monetizing - never

To monetize or not
that is the question
for what is nobler in the mind
than a being believing
in the goodness of the Earth?
Alas - money is not
and shall not reign this blog
I still think hope and ideas
should be free - forever.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

A cinematographic eve

A simple phone-message
ends up being a fabulous
and an eventful eve
with people saying goodbye
to an era of an old cinema
it will not longer be there
and 80 years of memories
gone down the tubes.
Later spending hours chatting
about this and that
extensive discussions
on religion, on life
while partaken in wine
at a cafe in the open air
the cicadas chirping
new moon rising over
the art-nouveau mansions
another night to remember.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

A simple Sunday

Waking up to meet a friend
getting in a grand car
driving off to a village
with a market - on the early side

Putter around the stalls
buying veggies and an old book
sitting on a cafe in the shade
having a creme and a "noir".

Jumping into the car again
driving up the mountains
to the lands of my friend
with stunning views of the maquis.

Driving up to another ground
higher up with more of wild bushes
the smells of flower rosemary
lavender, thyme - earth.

Sadly deserted were the little huts
broken into many times
again driving away and down
to a big Sunday lunch.

The outside counrtyard was cozy
waiters hopping - and the meal
delightfully filling and French
with just two glass of wine.

Back to our own little crazy place
sitting outside his porch
reminiscing of days gone
and his sadness - lessening not.

Later in the eve he came at ate
a simple meal of the French
ratatouille and duck breast
a bottle of wine was shared.

Small-talked laughing listening
to musis opening to each other
that is what life should be like
and companionship of a chum.

Friday, July 01, 2011

A simple man

A hump of sorrow
in the body of a man
kicked him
so he almost couldn't enter
the cottage
where he and his wife
stayed for many years.
Everything hit him -
The cobwebs, the dirt,
the sheer emptiness.
Why am I in this place?
Did I do the right thing to come?
Nothing - just nothing
would help the loneliness
except maybe the friends
he and his wife had made
in this odd place.
But they would never
take the place of
the warm body, her smell
her smile, his life.


A whirlpool - a vortex
we are living it
with the threats of financial falls
of debt burdens today.
If we get too close
we shall like the ancient ones
believed fall off the earth
or mayhap get sucked down
like Odysseus near Charybdis
but whatever we do
the mortal maelstrom awaits.