Thursday, November 18, 2010

Vanit y

Vanity of words - vanity of body
vanity of everything
did I forget something
yes - mother nature
in spring pale light green jade of a tree
in summer wild flowers of any hue
in fall with foliage of brightly reddish to burgundy
and winter - brown or gray or white
so the humans and their pet animals
wild vanity of bloody murky blight
so true - so tried - so tolerated
alas - the beliefs of others
yet I only see vain vanity
a longing for a bonfire
blushing up the world
brushing the comb of mighty flesh
we are the people who have no idea
of what is going to happen
oh yes we know somewhat what has happened
but nothing could prepared us or
the future - our kids for
this kind of life in front of a screen
this godly belief in electricity
burn your gadgets - get out and
just imagine this world without
what we are used to now -
computers, intelligent phones
fads of our new century
never have so many been so connected
and yet so lonely -
in their vain thought that we can control
what we create - alas,
Pandora's box is truly opened.

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