Sunday, January 31, 2010

"Morrning walk"

news comes early
by way of a paper
today like any day
from its thrown place
sometimes on the grass
often on the blacktop
and rarely on the crisp
crunchy frosty snow
the full moon is lifting
the morning pattern
to a wondrous exploit
a gladdened moment
where all is still
saluting Selene

Friday, January 29, 2010


Coming home from a lunch
not even having a munch
I take in the recycle bin
I drop it like a tin
my poor itty-bitty toe
was caught in between
now I sit - oh me oh woe
with ice and chagrin!


A helper of death
I will sometimes linger
at others my job is faster -
never instantaneous
but I will get you
at your end, have no fear.
I am at his service
because I must obey,
my master Thanatos,
often Oizys blames me;
I cause much suffering.
Yet I am an Autochthon
born because my mission
is such that I invade
where I can for no
apparent reason
other than spread and kill.
For the love of Alcetis
oftentimes I let you be
and I stand aside to let
another fate befall you.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Now I know
exactly why
I dream of
living in
a village
in France;
it's simple
instead of
seeing only
parking lots
and boxes of
a highway,
a few trees -
my eyes hit
when I go
from the
box store
in the village
mountains -
and more
on a very
clear day
the Pyrenees!

Monday, January 25, 2010

ici- ici -ici

Mon coeur bats trop vite
les resultats pas encourageant
hier soir j'ai meme pense
peut-etre a l'hospital
alors je me suis mis a faire
des choses physiques
monter et descendre l'escalier
plusieurs fois - voila
aujourd'hui c'est mieux
mon coeur revient a 122:78
et cela c'est bon -
je sais bien pourquoi
je suis une bete
je veux vivre - mais ici- ici- ici

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Le moment

J'attends pour manger mon petit déjeuner
ici aujourd'hui dans mon petit village
a Haiti ce n'est pas la même chose
et je n'ose surtout pas y penser
car ici je me sens si a l'aise
cela va durer assez un petit moment
je descends pour acheter mon pain
cela est presque un fait divin
je me sens dans un très beau roman
avec des bonne choses françaises

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Best friends

A man at the beach with his tiny dog
she placated him by fetching the sticks
he threw here and there at it
I watched them for over an hour
they were their own best friend
I thought the man walked with a lady
the two did not meet at the end
the dog followed her master-lover.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Designing an Ikea kitchen

Designing a dream kitchen
is not an easy task
when you have an old house
you cannot have this
you cannot have that
I think I need a flask!
But it would have been
in infinite nightmare
without the cut and paste
Ikeas gives you first
a paper with board wares
with a lot of room to spare
then they come and design
your less than perfect plan
for me it took longer
I could not multiply
but then it worked oh man
I did not forget the garbage can!
So if anybody wonders why
Ikea has success just look
and see for your own self
how easy it is for clutches
to serve up a wonder of chinook
in an Ikea kitchen - you will cook.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Éloignée je peut entendre
les bruits des rues
les poubelles claquent
les chiens aboient
les chats dont il y en a
énormément miaulent
de temps en temps
les gens parlent doucement
ou des fois leurs voix
sont enragées bouleversées
tout passent d'un temps
a l'autre dans le village
comme partout, le village
c'est la compagnie
tu travailles des longues heures
c'est dans ton endroit
d'une grande ville
C'est partout dans la famille
car sans le village de mal
ou de la bonté c'est comme cela
parce que tu crées ton village
autour de toi - n'importe ou
et de n'importe quoi.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Shopping with Yvette

Traditions - they start how?
by people doing a feat together
nothing much - a meet of minds
if they both agree to like it
it will be done again on and off
not like making love
not like caring for a child
a dog, a sick relative
but because it is fun
traditions can be tribal
traditions can be unique
traditions can be traditions
just because you make them
on occasions they can be dreary
because a difficult uncle does
not like your mother's cookies
but then even that becomes a tradition
like yesterday - shopping with Yvette
is a fun-filled female sales' tradition

Friday, January 15, 2010

Lunch in France at home

A quiet noon in the village
not much going on
prepairng a lunch,
left-over heated up onion soup
left-over heated baquette
left-over tunamousse
and last but not least
two small pieces of cheese
each from a different region
a glas of white wine from
le bag in le box
followed by a coffee
and a small piece of chocolat
is it a wonder that it seems
so different from MacDonald's
furious and fast meals?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

walking aids

yesterday at a flea market
my eyes encountered amounts
of visual left-over stuff
things unwanted
dolls loved but
their owners gone
where were the little girls
that might as a older person
used a walking aid
- there were too many
--- ---
canned canes left
that their souls stood tall
and would help others
they just laid tossed

their people .....

Monday, January 11, 2010

Clown's tears

Once upon a clown's face
a sad expression spread
it talked of oppression
it chatted wearily of death
there were no other mimes
who could show a mimic
so vivid that three times
she thought of limits
to life to joy to man
all that she held dear ran
down in a total blur
the tears of the farceur
streamed out so blunt
due to humanity's runt

les murs

Le soleil brillant avec le froid
donne la lumiere memorable
epoustouflante dans la poussiere
des vieux murs abordables

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Age old puzzle

Vignettes of wandering souls
intertwined with ropes of fates
here and there they fray
there and here they play
their own warped way to desecrate
the expected correct way
to behave in order to achieve a goal
for what purpose do we live
an egnima no one can solve
yet- humans - try to evolve
the answer perhaps is to give.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Just a little whiff of my familiar

Pictures of grandsons
makes me sad and proud
proud cause they grow
sad cause they no show
in my everyday life
in my thoughts however
they prosper for ever

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Lost sleep

In middle age
we women toss and turn
so often I hear
I read at night
try not to disturb
the male snoring
next to me
Rarely I encounter
a man who loses
the second nourisher
as much as
the female species
and yet they demand
as natural as hell
that we shall remain
the same day in-day out
when we cannot even
think straight.
I applaud all females
who has turned
and yet survives
the middle age

I sure hope
one day
I can sleep

That wish I get
in my death
- but

I want to live
and exist without
fuzziness and
feeling lousy

Pills can help
sex can help too
but is that enough?

Friday, January 01, 2010

Babette a Beziers

Un brouillard du soir
au milieu de l'hiver
fait rêver Babette
autour d'elle il y avait
des aventures nocturnales
elle se sentait - horreur
plus mal a l'aise
qu'a sa ville natale
Paris avec ses coins
des mecs et des putains
mais la pauvre s'est effrayée
car dans le crépuscule
il y avait des jeunes mâles
avec des gestes menaçants.
Babette embrassait angoissée
son ami avec qui elle sortait
et disait, tout a fait sérieusement
"J'ai peur, cher Jean Luis,
et je ne veux plus de la vie de midi.
Je rentre chez moi - a Paris
la je connais mon local"
Comme cela finissait l'histoire
de Babette a Beziers - vraiment
le cauchemar d'une dame absorbée.