Friday, January 30, 2009

Ecomic summit?

The CEO's and the professors
are enjoying their time
at Davos as usual
asking themselves
what went wrong?
War went wrong -
greed went wrong
zilch oversight went wrong.
Your export of outsourcing
does not save the earth
a cushion of poor countries
who can produce enough
does not save the economy
Fighting a war creating nothing
but more need for greed
does not save the environment
The people at Davos summit
reminds me of the CEO's
from Detroit
begging for money
in the Lear jets.
It is all for naught
until each and everyone
gets that the party is over
and we have to start a new
world economy starting at home.
All the bonuses
all the money spent
on frills and fancy stuff
should be spent on one
thing only:
Educating the children
of the world
to be able to feed themselves.

(I did not know I was in tune
with Bill Gates who apparently
had the same conclusion,
so I shall dedicate this to
Bill and Melinda).

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