Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Holiday greetings

Why do people write
the X-mas card, Hanukkah
or Kwanzaa or any other?
To connect, to say -
look I am still here -not dead.
The new trend "what-did-we
portends bragging rights
or at least a form thereof.
Only once have I seen a bad
one like my husband deserted me,
the dog died, the canary
pooped on the boss when he came
to dinner-my son is doing jail.
Well, once a year we all pretend
that we have a good time
even though some of us live through
hell, suffering from the month
when the mother-in-law takes over
everything - even your cat.
This rage the computer embedded
and now - we all have wonderful
memories of the year's happenings.
Erased are the bad times - surely
everything is fine -
let's write one for the US this year.
Bush year 8, economy bad,
oil prices high and then artificially low,
wall street even worse,
the housing crises up, no one's buying,
the car industry dead, the scandals
are coming out, but not the biggest one yet.
But, everything is just fine otherwise.
So, dear Mr. Putin, Happy Christmas, oh
so sorry I forgot you don't celebrate,
well, Happy whatever, because in the US
we are OK, and we can boast about one thing
we are getting a new president - who
hopefully will change the way we think.
What lovely Holiday Greetings.

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