Thursday, October 02, 2008

Long Live Shakespeare!

One of the People:
Legislators, Fellow Americans,
and countrymen!
I come not the praise the bail-out
but to bury it.
The evil that men do lives after them
The money is often interred with papers
so let it be with the bail-out - the noble Feds
had told you that the bailout was needed
If it were so, it was a griveous fault
and grieveously had the Congress answered it
Here under leave of the Feds and the rest,
(but Congress is honorable
so therefore the legislators are all honorable)
Come I to speak at reason's funeral.
Reason was my friend, just and faithful to me
But the legislator said the bailout was needed
and Legislators are honest men
Wall street has brought many down in the dump
whose ransoms did the Wall street coffers fill?
Did this the Bail-out seem ambitious?
When that the poor have cried, reason was swept,
ambition should be made of sterner stuff,
yet the Feds and the Prez said it was necessary
and the Prez ands the Feds are honorable men.
I speak not to disprove of what the Senate said
but here I am to speak of what I do know.
Greedy men all loved the interests so, not without cause,
what cause withhold you to mourn for your greed?
Oh, judgement! Thou art fled to brutish beasts
and men have lost their reason... bear with me.
My heart is in the coffin there with reason,
And I must pause till it come back to me.

1 comment:

OZ said...

It's a pity the Prez and the Feds forget to quote Shakespeare more often.Our souls as well as our sanity would be the better for it. "To be (or)
Not to be" (greedy
(at the expense of others!)(0Z).