Monday, July 14, 2008

Great horny owl

I am a horny owl -
after 30 years
he left me -
I need a male
satisfying my needs -
but I am not barhopping
because that is just
like saying
I want to bed
with anybody,
although i NEED a male
I am not going
to that extreme
A year it has been
a year where my life
has become a true
rollercoaster -
I have lost weight
big time - just this
last month I lost
another 5.
Doc's worrying
but I feel great
looking better
than I have in years.
However, I need a male
I want sex -
I am a horny owl
looking for a mate?
Because in nature
when the mate goes away
or dies -
the left over mate
will try new blood
just to keep
the species spreding.
My mate left me
why can I not yearn
for another horny owl?

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