Thursday, October 04, 2007

Seven deadly sins

Vølva Vigga looked at a painted picture
Hieronymus Borsch from anno 1485
wishing she could contemplate it
where it hangs: in the Prado museum.
By now Vigga knew she had committed
one deadly sin: invidia or

Sitting at her twisted old tree Vigga Vølva
suddenly felt hunger and she tumbled
over her own feet trying to gather nectar
from the busy bees and drinking it devouringly
with a straw. She then thought a terrible thought
She had committed another sin : Gula

Shaking her head she become irate
why should she not drink this nectar.
Granted it was destined for healing
the sad souls of her little village, but
she had worked so hard in the night
that she needed it. Irate is

Calming down she then stretched her
long limbs and thought of her past night
she had been in the arms of Odin
strong, handsome and sensual guy,
old and warn, but knew the femina.
Another sin called luxuria or

Vigga Vølva with her long auburn hair
then took it upon her self to shake
away the thoughts of sin and walked
in her autumnal wood and came upon
the little brook where she often mirrored
herself. She smiled! Beautiful. Vanitas

She sat down, mulled over the fact
that within minute minutes she had committed
deadly sins galore - does a human do
that every day, Vølva Vigga's mind questioned?
It was so magnificent here that she languished
along the bank, even though work called.

Vigga Vølva got up and wandered wondering
about - thinking again avidly several minutes
about the Bosch world picture of humanity
and its feeble follies of committing the sins
taught so carefully to keep folks in somewhat
a harness - wishing eagerly she could do it too.

Vølva Vigga took a deep breath and exhaled
the wood ventured to try and humor her humor
its brilliant colors of the month of October
was the only way she could look at the sins
all within herself - satisfied she would never be.
And the others? Each individual decides

For those interested in seeing the picture here is the address


Anonymous said...

Vigga reads too much Augustine,
Martin Luther, even Calvin!
Maybe she should switch to Talmud--
Its Creator found the world "good"!

Jews are held to strict accounting:
Any pleasure they're discounting
Which the Torah says is lawful,
They get blamed and it is awful,

If they fail to fully savor
And appreciate the favor
Which the Lord had sent to bless
Vigga's "sins"? She should confess

She'd be told that she has
Addings singles, triples, duples,
Till she hits the magic Seven,
Deadly Sins that close up Heaven!

To commit a sin that's mortal
Which will lock up Heaven's portal,
"Serious matter" is required,
And the things which she desired,

Aren't so bad--except for Odin,
Whose sweet love must be
Since he is not hers to cuddle;
All the rest's a silly muddle!

Fleur-de-Lys said...

Ah Elincalime!

You are a'fire -
for only Satire.
Partly to show
Borsch's glow
Religions' throw
over humans woe.
Maybe my poem's lyre
did not go over the wire.