Monday, April 30, 2007

Frog haiku

Frogs, princes, and me
childhood full of fairy dreams
My prince is a toad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your prince is a toad--
Now how can that be?
"Toadily kool!"
Sounds better to me.

He works on the house,
He cooks and he sews,
He brings home the cash,
He massages your toes.

In China, the toad
Is a symbol of wealth,
Longevity, kids,
And general good health.

A three-legged toad
Is their "man in the moon,"
So as friend of the Goddess
You surely should swoon

With joy that your man
Is a toad in disguise,
Who brings you life's good things
And always complies

With all your requests
With a smile and a kiss--
So hop with delight
At such "toadal bliss"!