Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Education and learning

Education and learning
a chasm of viewpoint
one from up - down
one from down -up
can they ever match?

One is offering a view
one is taking that point
and changing it around
a generational shift
happens whether or not

Building blocks offered
Legos taken and clipped
the globe turns and churns
the humanity tries to cope
it is all economics


Saturday, March 04, 2023

Dr. E- Major

Music evidently was your  soul
every note was a person 
you touched
Fly phenomenally on Bragi's
wings helped by Apollo
and scaled to an E-major
your time was limited but
your influence eternal
in the sense that an individual
you reached - their genes
will sound with chords
of what you generously 
with humoresque sang 

Friday, March 03, 2023

Predicting disaster

root fingers grab the soil
fingers spread widely
mostly to one side

root rots after years
poking the asphalt
one day alas