Friday, December 31, 2021

Preset? Prefix?

Something about New Year's resolutions
should I leave them alone
tackle a new annual's preset idea
or dump it as I skim a stone
I will decide tonight at witching hour
somewhere in an earthly zone.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Covid encore

Just before Covid 
the world was at least moving
rich or poor or healthy or unhealthy
we all lived with ourselves
with or without fear
with or without war
with or without ad nauseam
- why - reader - fill the blanks
or take the imagination on a trip
a cruise a holiday or a trek somewhere

Just after Covid
the world is becoming fearful
two years into this number 19 -
alpha via delta to omicron variety
the rich got vaccinated the poor 
left to fend for themselves as always
deniers galore filed the media
and perpetuated lies and videos
you again -reader- think about that
just will there truly be mass immunity
or do we have to live like this
with jumping to another alphabet?

Wednesday, December 01, 2021

A sharpei

A wrinkle in my face
when I was fifteen
grew to a wall of
crevices and furrows 
when I am  older
There is some things
I can do like sleep
and moisturizers
 but genetically doomed
to  show the world
my shar pei visage!