Thursday, November 30, 2017

Darts - danger

Hungry for attention
Malignant malefactoid
preaching intolerance
in the name of power
double trouble or triple
playing darts with the world
the vexed Voelva wanting
to live in peace!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Life lines

Life lines
jackets on boats
friends' chatting
roping in somebody
on a tv show
sms from afar
and written
in your hands

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Un village - notre hamac

Un village pendant une guerre
il y a des gens collabos
ou les autres villageois
tous les humains
qui essayent de vivre
selon leurs propres notions
Quand on les juge
on blâme soi-même
le petit coin du monde
nous suit partout
dans nos coeurs et nos vies
parce que la vie est
un hameau - un hamac.

Inspirée par "Un village français"

Monday, November 27, 2017


Et vågent individ
Med fingerspitzgefühl
Ved nøjagtigt
Hvordan et andet
Levende væsen
Synes at have det.
Imponerende indsigt.


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Fleas not so elusive dancing

Fleas on dogs
are yucky
consider yourself
if you don't
get bitten
or even
get smitten
by thinking
you've got fleas
but yours are
just peas
of your
 here is the
of the little
pesky beast
having a
nice feast
on you and
your pooch
dancing their
festive cootch.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Des prières folles

Ce soir en m’endormant
J’ai fortement réagi
Sans le vouloir je crie

Cette nuit en me réveillant
J’ai strictement pensé
A la vie - et la mienne aussi

Ce matin en me levant
je prie fort au ralenti
de me rendre la folie

Cet après-midi en me resignant
je me suis soumis(e)
à l'existence d'utopie

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Mercury Dime

older definitions
of protectionism
triangular trade
on black Friday
all the US goes
to worship the god
of commercialism
move Mercuralia
to November
instead of May
to honor him
instead of bitcoins
and dollars pay
with legal tender
of Mercury's dimes
all the stuff traded
with sweat and tears
(K)nee(L)ding it
to have a holiday
gold and souls

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Lonely hearts

A phone call that never comes
a Saturday night
sadness fills a heart
younger self - devastated
older mature - resigned.

Friday, November 17, 2017

A so-called aphorism

Trump land is not free
of trumpism
Poor America
no freedom
from idiocy and idolatry
every country must go up
then down -



Thursday, November 16, 2017


Patterns of tribal behavior
are like schools of fish
Gangs need members
Gun fire smoke embers
Bystanders are affected
By what other people do
Or what they do not seek
Being outside seen as weak
Belonging to a society
Gives its adherents an okay
support and lend faith
We within justly hate
Others outsiders - the weirds
That Think for themselves
must be marked like Cain
signed off - out - Nein.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Die is cast

Lazy morning in my pj
drinking coffee not oj
waiting for Wednesday
to be - to see
to laugh - to die?

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Bra - no bra - a no-brainer

somebody posted
a post on Facebook
a bra for bondage
at my time of life
this flimsy flam is
not an advantage
for an older body
to look sexy and all
a cover of yardage
will do the trick
and make the bust -
look : a fab frontage

Monday, November 13, 2017

Min drømmes kavaler

Dansenede par på gulvet
kroppenes bølger
henover parkettet
rytmen af en tango
jalousi eller argentisk
en gammeldags foxtrot
selv en engelsk vals
ville gøre underværker
hvis min drømmes kavaler
styrede mine håbløse
men forhåbningsfulde
tøvende trippe trap trin.
Kun da ville tanken
få rytmisk hopsa hop
og jeg ville følge ham
til verdens ende
eller i hvert fald
til musikkens død.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Con castration?

Castration for
sex offense
or otherwise
can help
the perp to
calm down
Could it
also aid
powerful men
capable of
competent women?
The public
conned once more.

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Temporal time

Tempo - ready for it?
never and ever
'cause you are never 
really prepared 
for death will come
A bent wrinkle
a shape of wave
atrial fibrilation
all part of intervals
Keeps running 
pace whether sloven
or quickly pumping
circular repetition
or just straight
never and always
time is now

Wednesday, November 08, 2017


Automatic writing this word
books and scribbling about libri

can you run away
from your first love of tomes
the oeuvres of autorii
from all over the world

could this scribe now chalk
anything about these works

Nope - just her modest
dapplings and saplings
of eye-dears

quod erat demonstratum
her bibliographya
should have been

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Wishful - haiku

spring fever in fall
when the earth guzzles and quaffs
sizzling afternoon

Monday, November 06, 2017

Muddling modernity - a quarky sonnetina

Ideas of the quarks and their quirks
swirl their way around the bard's head
is this a chance to see a cirque
or just an uncertainty fled.
The strings topping the Higgs bosons
sprayed over time - by us humans
encounter grand old emotions.
Light years twirl counting the lumens
while the happy poet perceives
whatever her possible wants -
Laughter and life - love or just games.
These give her the needed reprieves
from Einstein, Bohr or even Kant
albeit they found the atom's frames.

Inspired by Avi

November 5

twenty-eight years apart
same date
same day of the week
twenty-eight years apart
within two hours of the day
twenty-eight years apart
first my father
then my mother
twenty-eight years apart

Friday, November 03, 2017

Mots mouillés

En chantant la vie roule
en criant l'eau coule
en mourant l'être moule
en suivant la terre qui fouille.

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Blank blah

Having a totally dry spell 
My ideas Are in a deep well
So  dark and bleak 
My thoughts are gone 
Shot and Murdered 
Emptiness reigns
Can I get out of this blank hell
Only time and space will surely tell.